We're finding more & more evidence that they exist(ed). There is plenty of evidence they were working on them. There is ample evidence that they never followed the UN's directives. This war was just in it's pursuit. Even if there are no "smoking guns", is there any doubt they were doing as worldwide intel had suggested? I think not. Here's just more crap for the pile against the sadam regime.
AP Excite
Iraqis: We Were Told to Destroy Bacteria
Apr 23, 7:45 AM (ET) By NIKO PRICE
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Six Iraqi scientists working at different Baghdad research institutions were ordered to destroy some bacteria and equipment and hide more in their homes before visits from U.N. weapons inspectors in the months leading up to the war, the scientists told The Associated Press.
In separate interviews, all of the scientists said they were involved in civilian research projects and none knew of any programs for weapons of mass destruction. It was not clear why their materials, ostensibly for nonmilitary research, were ordered destroyed.
But their accounts indicate the government of Saddam Hussein may have had advance knowledge of at least some of the inspectors' visits, as the United States suspected, and that the former Iraqi regime was deeply concerned about any material that could raise the suspicion of U.N. experts.
"An hour or two before the inspectors came to the university, I got my orders from the chairman," said a biochemistry professor at Saddam University for Science and Engineering.
AP Excite