
molṑn labé
Staff member
We're finding more & more evidence that they exist(ed). There is plenty of evidence they were working on them. There is ample evidence that they never followed the UN's directives. This war was just in it's pursuit. Even if there are no "smoking guns", is there any doubt they were doing as worldwide intel had suggested? I think not. Here's just more crap for the pile against the sadam regime.

Iraqis: We Were Told to Destroy Bacteria
Apr 23, 7:45 AM (ET) By NIKO PRICE

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Six Iraqi scientists working at different Baghdad research institutions were ordered to destroy some bacteria and equipment and hide more in their homes before visits from U.N. weapons inspectors in the months leading up to the war, the scientists told The Associated Press.

In separate interviews, all of the scientists said they were involved in civilian research projects and none knew of any programs for weapons of mass destruction. It was not clear why their materials, ostensibly for nonmilitary research, were ordered destroyed.

But their accounts indicate the government of Saddam Hussein may have had advance knowledge of at least some of the inspectors' visits, as the United States suspected, and that the former Iraqi regime was deeply concerned about any material that could raise the suspicion of U.N. experts.

"An hour or two before the inspectors came to the university, I got my orders from the chairman," said a biochemistry professor at Saddam University for Science and Engineering.

AP Excite
The government has already admitted this wasn't their primary reason for going in but was mearly the primary excuse to have international law on our side. That isn't to say that they don't(didn't) have them. Accept it people, the world has changed since 9/11. Put simply if nations we don't trust don't change we will change them by force. I know many here don't like this idea but thems the facts. Hopefully the world will become a safer place because of it. It's starting to look although it might actually work. Saddam is gone, there are interesting things going on in Iran, Syria is complying to us demands more than ever before, North Korea is piping down since we made our words truth and last but definetely not least, Yasser Arafat made a huge step today giving up military and now financial control of the Palestinian authority. Wow, who can deny that these things are happening. The wmd principle may be an interesting debate but i think it misses the mark.
Because politicians are, by nature, dishonest. Don't ask questions when you already know the answers, Squiggy...
Plus we really did need to use that reason to have international law on our side. I don't think i that can be understated enough. And if we go after Syria we'll use it again. It was truthful in the case of Iraq although admittedly to an exaggerated extent, and it will work in the case of Syria should we feel the need.
Primary reason or not, it was a reason. I've heard the "where are they" question so often it was time to address it.

I think Hex's first post says enough. Namely,

HeXp£Øi± said:
the world has changed since 9/11
the constant finding and consequent retraction of the discovery of wmd's is not doing any favours. an already sceptical public will find any future genuine discovery much harder to swallow.
Holy crap...Iraqis were concerned about raising suspicions....and those that love war are still trying to justify it.
Gato_Solo said:
Because politicians are, by nature, dishonest. Don't ask questions when you already know the answers, Squiggy...

Yes. I realize that, Gato. But these guys bought into the WMD hype whole heartedly. And now they're buying into the same hype about Syria. Its getting scarey....
Squiggy said:
Yes. I realize that, Gato. But these guys bought into the WMD hype whole heartedly. And now they're buying into the same hype about Syria. Its getting scarey....
For the record, "these guys" does not include me. I was very clear and honest on my evaluation of our motives. Those posts are still there for reference.
I didn't think they had them, and I was against the war, but even though they spun the WMD out of control, and really didn't have any (legal) justification it seems to have worked out fine. As long as they can prevent Iraq from becoming an Islamic state, I won't complain, even though I was against the war, and much of our evidence was a lie. I just hope this all stops after we take out the middle east and NK. I'd hate to see this spread too much farther.

we probably won't find wmds in any of these countries, except maybe NK (assuming they don't sell them first), but if we (I mean our fearless leader) really wants to do it, we'll do it. Although I may have some eithical concerns, I'd say it will probably make the world a safer place in the end, at least for Americans, and the rest of the Western world.

However, if any of these countries really have wmds, which I don't believe they do, then we may have created a real mess. They would certainly end up somewhere, probably in the hands of someone more willing to use them too. I hope its all based on lies, its really better than if really have them.
i was reminded of this after i posted. remember we were told that the wmd's were there and were likely to be used in the event of an invasion? remember we were told that they were able to be used at under an hours notice?

now we are being told that they had months to hide them and had broken them up into constituent parts.

which way round is it? we were topld of definite intelligence that confirmed their existence yet this intelligence appears to now be largely contradicted.

i know politicans lie and lie and lie but you'd have thought they would at least have made the attempt this time to tell a half-truth.