Won't you please help?


Southern Discomfort
A worthwhile charity?

ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian schoolchildren who received laptops from a U.S. aid organization have used them to explore pornographic sites on the Internet, the official News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported Thursday.

A representative of the One Laptop Per Child aid group was quoted as saying that the computers, part of a pilot scheme, would now be fitted with filters.

Remember...a mind is a terrible thing to waste!
Actually that is a great thing. With the rampant rate
of HIV there, anything that can be done to quicken
their demise is welcome?
Oh BTW I'll take this moment to
[rant]It's amazing how many parents don't monitor thier kids here, or setup filters:grumpy: [/rant]
People that have been taught etiquette of a certain level morality, and abide by it mostly.
Shit, whatever. How many civilized boys from the US of A would do the very same thing if given a laptop with internet access?
You ask about the parents? I am betting these laptops don't go home.
Shit, whatever. How many civilized boys from the US of A would do the very same thing if given a laptop with internet access?.
That's why I said about the parents.

You ask about the parents? I am betting these laptops don't go home.
Right, that is where the responsibility falls on the school, and thus where
the remark about being civilized comes in mainly.

I think I just didn't word that previous post right, to distinguish where the
responsibilities lie on each side about being civilized.:shrug:
well thinking about it,...
Many parents also may not know to start with, very much about computer and the inet.
So there could be one or more incidences.
The thing is how long and how much is done after it's found out, or when
they are made to understand.

Some fault may also lay with the actual charity that gave the comps to them.:shrug:

We did actually have an incident here, but was caught fairly quickly because
we do monitor closely. So I understand that it can happen quickly, or by mistake.

So many problems seem to arise from trying to help parts of Africa, I guess
I automatically have a bias when it's mentioned, and there are definitely some
uncivilized people/groups there, like that other story that was posted somewhere around here.
You know, Cat. That's the sad thing. We have these well meaning charities that drop cash or product on these 3rd world countries but where are the folks to see that it gets used as it was intended or see that it is well-maintained? If I was such a warm-hearted caring individual I might call it a waste of money.
The best story I've hear is about that kid that started digging wells over there for them.

Maybe just more thought needs be put into exactly what Kind of help to do.
A few kids found some porn.

OMG that means no kid did anything useful with the laptops, all the kids surfed horse porn constantly, and the charity is not worthwhile!
A few kids found some porn.

OMG that means no kid did anything useful with the laptops, all the kids surfed horse porn constantly, and the charity is not worthwhile!

Pretty much the same reaction it would have got in a US school.
welll yeah, I guess....
At least they didn't just use them for lights, because of no power.:D

I just don't understand why alllll kids in this country don't have the same luxury.
How about we show them blueprints for indoor plumbing before we worry about them saying Dude, I'm getting a Dell.
Pretty much the same reaction it would have got in a US school.

I beg to argue that most any US school would have had provision for the filters before they turned the kids loose on 'em. Thus my beef with the whole thing. If yer gonna drop an assload of money on something, take 10 seconds to think.