Woo Woo! Check out these tatas....

*yawn* I keep hearing this, but noone even points out that these aren't that much smaller than the old civics and rabbits that shared the roads with Parissiens and Cordobas. Get over yourself already.

Or the N600

No. When they made it that far.

I know a lady that has a 1979 (I think) Rabbit diesel pickup with 440,000 on it. It was rebuilt at 380,000. I know a guy with a '81 Rabbit gas sedan with over 200,000 and it's never had anything but tune-ups, a new AC compressor, two clutches and I think two alternators. :shrug:
Exception proving the rule?

I know a guy who went through three of them in under fifteen months before giving up and buying something else. Gas was cheaper than engines.
How about for what it does offer, instead of what it doesn't? This one offers super cheap mileage, 100% recycle possibility, reduced parking space, etc.

what it doesn't offer is the implied ability to be stupid and get away with it. But then, I've yet to see any car go up against a semi and come away the better.
Gratnted, VW & Honda were great cars for mileage & longevity.

Ever move a piano in a Rabbit? How about a months food for 5 in a Yugo?

We the people spent a decade or so freaking out over using too much oil & the price of petrol.

Then we realized we're dying more AND driving slower in smaller cars & got over it.
How about for what it does offer, instead of what it doesn't? This one offers super cheap mileage, 100% recycle possibility, reduced parking space, etc.

Sure thing.

Tell ya what, let's apply the logic elsewhere.

Prof, meet Carla. She's loyal, trustworthy, and reliable. She doesn't get out much, not too flashy a dresser, kinda socially inept, and not too much to look at. Not all that hot in the sack either...kind of a prude. But she eats like a bird, so you'll save on groceries.

Oh, her? That's Carla's sister, Vivian. Now Viv's gonna keep you up at night...ALL night! Dresses nice, great social skills, drop dead gorgeous. And in the bedroom? Hang on to your liver, bub. She's gonna rock your world. Only problem is, when you take her out to a restaurant she always orders the most expensive thing on the menu. Pretty annoying.

Y'all have a nice time, me and Viv are going driving.
Feel free. Me and damn near everyone else already left a packet in Vi. All Carla needs is a little TLC (silk rope anyone) to get her started. And she might not eat much, but she's a better cook, and cleans up after herself instead of leaving stains where ever she sits.
Gratnted, VW & Honda were great cars for mileage & longevity.

Ever move a piano in a Rabbit? How about a months food for 5 in a Yugo?

We the people spent a decade or so freaking out over using too much oil & the price of petrol.

Then we realized we're dying more AND driving slower in smaller cars & got over it.

"Horses for courses."
Gratnted, VW & Honda were great cars for mileage & longevity.

Ever move a piano in a Rabbit? How about a months food for 5 in a Yugo?

We the people spent a decade or so freaking out over using too much oil & the price of petrol.

Then we realized we're dying more AND driving slower in smaller cars & got over it.

Cos yer moving pianos everyday? :tardbang:

Car fit for purpose. If your purpose is off-road driving, or you have a large family, buy a car for that purpose. If you just want to commute to town & back, buy a smaller car. "Common sense" as you call it. :shrug: