Woodman! Guess what I got?


New Member

So, after I learn how to do this, wanna play on battle.net?

Btw, thanks for the advice. :D
I've been doing D2 for ages. If you need some pointers or someone to farm up some equipment for ya... just let me know.

Offer valid for US East server only ;)
finished diablo and diablo II on all rounds...got through the 2nd round on the expansion pack before i found a cheat....never did very well on battle.net..too many hacked characters...maybe i'll get back into it again...
it was something i heard. that people hacked their characters to get cheats and such. they have tried to put a stop to it and have been tighter about that from what others have been telling me
Yeah, they have tightened security... 112.000 cd keys were banned a couple of months ago.

GF, what class do you play?
I just started, I have no idea what I'm doing yet. :D

Actually, it's a lot like Baldur's Gate which is a PS2 game that Rusty and I were addicted to for quite some time. We want to play each other but apparently you can't play a TCP/IP game against each other without two Expansion CD's and two different CD keys. :shrug:

I'm going to need to play a bit before I go on battle.net though. Attacking is a little awkward right now, I need to work on that and I might actually read the manual that came with it. :D
Yes... They are very hardcore about having multiple unique copies of the software or you won't be able to log in multiple accounts.

I would suggest that you start out with a barbarian so that you can get the feel for the mechanics and yet still be able to properly defend yourself. As you get more comfortable, you can start tinkering with the spellcasters.

I for one love the sorc and could never get used to the necro. The most ultimate powerful class by the time you get deep into hell and far along in levels and with lots of uber gear is the amazon ... or at least the bowazon variant instead of the javezon. (bows over javelins as they can use both toys)
I liked the Assassin best... Pretty straightforward melee, extremely fast, and the Phoenix Strike is wonderful for crowd control.
Have any of you tried the necromancer? my friend Jimmy suggested that one for me control the dead and all :D
Assassin all the way....when I get some free time, I'm definately starting another one of those.

Claws own. :D
Bungi, I meant the similarities with Mana, earning experience, skills, buying weapons from people you meet as you go, quests, etc. I have no other frame of reference besides Baldur's Gate because I'm not a big gamer and have never played Neverwinter Nights. Hexploit also reccommended Neverwinter Nights, that one will probably be next if BG2 isn't out before I get tired of this one. :)
...oh and you HAD to know I was going to choose Sorceress. She's a chick and her outfit is green, how could you doubt I would choose her? ;)
greenfreak said:
Bungi, I meant the similarities with Mana. Hexploit also reccommended Neverwinter Nights, that one will probably be next if BG2 isn't out before I get tired of this one. :)

Are you sure youve got the right game there :alienhuh: There was no mana in BG, you had to rest to memorise spells, and BG2 and the expansion came out more than two years ago...
I like playing a necro, just stay away from boosting up how many skeletons you can raise, they are totally useless in later lvls, and with druids, and barb popping bodies, you can't even call them fast enough.

anyone try Dungeon Seige?

I started with the sorcerer but she was kinda wimpy. So I went with Asassin and I'm up to level 11. Got a few cool skills, up to level 4 claw action, fire ball, psyche blast. Got two socketed claws I use along with the claw skill, another thingy I can't remember the name of but it's also socketed with +10 poison, +60 damage to undead, +30% more gold, a few rings...

So it's getting interesting. The vendors in town have shit now at this point, I need to find better stuff.
Sorcs are weak until level 30... then they are the best until level 80 or so when the bowazon with the right gear becomes insanely dangerous.