World's largest RC aircraft


New Member
The World's Largest Radio Controlled Aircraft (video)


I'm thinking: install functional bomb bay + water balloons + flight down the beach = :devious:

What would you do with it?
Oh yeah, kewl, I'm impressed... it didn't crash! :D

Definately the water bombs... I can think of a few people I'd like to drop them on... :lol:
I'll tell ya from my childhood days
learning to hand prop those engines is an art
learned in blood!

They so need one of those hand held electric starters.

*wanders off to research the type of engines on that B-29*
I'll tell ya from my childhood days
learning to hand prop those engines is an art
learned in blood!

They so need one of those hand held electric starters.

*wanders off to research the type of engines on that B-29*
When I was a kid I got propellor-bit a few times starting RC planes. This is a whole 'nother league - you could lose a hand. :eek5:

Let us know if you find anything on those engines - that would be interesting. :nerd:

Good idea, but it would be hard to sneak up on anybody with that behemoth. :D
When I was a kid I saw a B17 about 2/3 that size at an RC show. Didn't see it fly but they ran the engines a bit (it was a rainy day). It had functiional bomb bay doors. I don't know how you'd drop the water balloons though or if you'd even be able to loft the extra weight. I know what you mean about prop bite too. I still cringe when I see someone get caught.