Would you sue to get your dog back?


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They're in a dogfight

Two families dispute over who actually has ownership rights to chihuahua; battle goes to Nassau Supreme Court

March 21, 2005

Barely a year old, he is all big brown eyes and boundless energy with a weakness for liver treats and warm laps, oblivious to the bitter custody battle raging over his future.

Meet Taco, also known as Rocco, the 5-pound Chihuahua with two names and two families locked in one very nasty court case to answer this question: Whose dog is it, anyway?

So far, the canine custody fight has been chewed over in Nassau County small-claims court and even "The People's Court," which has yet to air the episode. The case has even prompted a pair of police complaints alleging harassment.

The next chapter begins in Nassau Supreme Court this morning, where Justice Daniel Martin will preside.

On one side, the Workmans of Lynbrook, who took in the dog they call Taco eight months ago and who say he has blossomed from a sickly, skittish puppy into a playful, self-assured pooch.

On the other, the Galantes of Mastic, the original owners, who say that what began as dog-sitting has become dog-napping, and are suing to get the pint-sized pup they named Rocco back, along with $100,000 for mental anguish.

On this much, the two families agree:

Robert Galante, his wife and five children moved to New York from Louisiana in August, were unable to find housing and ended up in a shelter that didn't allow pets. So Galante's stepson, Alex Linguiti, 20, who works with Heather Workman, 25, asked her to take the puppy until the family found permanent housing.

After that, the tales wag the dog.

Workman contends the Galantes told her they might consider giving up the dog, which she said required treatment for parasites. Galante, who found permanent housing in the fall, says he never agreed to give away the puppy that his daughter, Samantha, got last year for her 11th birthday.

"If I have to give up my house to afford a lawyer to fight this, I will," Robert Galante said. "I won't stop. My kids are torn apart over this."

Samantha hopes she'll get Taco / Rocco back by the time she turns 12 next month.

"I love my dog," she said. "I don't understand why someone would take him."

The Workmans, meanwhile, say they quickly fell in love with the dog and became convinced by the dog's medical troubles that it was better off with them.

"When Taco first got here, he would just shake in the corner," Heather Workman said. "He's a normal dog now and I can't send him back there."

In Lynbrook, Taco / Rocco has two dogs to romp with, a steady diet of organic food and treats, and an endless supply of affection from a family devoted to their pets, the Workmans say.

"Taco has bonded with us," said Heather's mother, Debbie. "This is his home and we are his family now."

In Mastic, the Galantes argue, Taco / Rocco would be well cared for, surrounded by five children who adore him, and wouldn't have to compete with other dogs for attention.

"How selfish can you be?" Galante said of Heather Workman. "You have dogs already. She's just a girl with issues who wants to steal my dog."

Despite the $100,000 lawsuit, Galante says he doesn't care about the money.

As proof, he notes that "The People's Court" gave the family a choice: take a $1,000 judgment, or turn down the cash for a chance to sue for the dog's return in county court.

"All they have to do," he said, "is give me my dog back."


I especially like the part I bolded. These are people that really have their priorities in order. :rolleyes:
the original owners, who say that what began as dog-sitting has become dog-napping, and are suing to get the pint-sized pup they named Rocco back, along with $100,000 for mental anguish.

And that's where you lose me. The dog stays where it is.
Bunch of whackos.......One extreme should just hand over the damn dog to their owners and be done with it. On the other extreme just buy the girl another dog and be done with it.

Instead of mortgaging his phreakin' house, buy a pup that looks the same and call him Rocco or pacco or whatever the hell. Sheesh. It's now a matter of "You're not gonna win!! I don't care if it's a ball of lint! You aren't gonna get one on me!!"

stupid... I hope he loses now. waste of court time.
Some people become overly attached to an animal. However, the pup is less than a year old & with all the other changes in their life, I seriously doubt this is the case. They both want to be on TV.
I wouldn't lose a house over it, but I'd fight for one of my dogs, sure.
i had a chihuahua who howled like crazy ever time my ex came home. chihuahuas are great for home defense...nervous little boogers though.
You're a californian. They don't count. They'd sue over the sun coming up, if they could just find someone to blame it on.