Wow - fascinating punishment! What do you think?

What do you think?

  • That punishment is out of line.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • She deserves it!

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • I'm not sure what to think.

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • I really don't care.

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
CNN said:
BUTLER, Pennsylvania (AP) --
CNN said:
A woman who was drunk when she killed a man in a head-on collision must carry a photograph of the teacher in his coffin as part of her five years of probation, a judge ruled.
Jennifer Langston pleaded guilty in September to vehicular homicide, reckless endangerment and reckless driving.
Prosecutors said Langston was drunk and talking on a cell phone in June 2002 when she crossed the center line and hit a pickup truck carrying Glenn Clark and his pregnant wife, Annette. He died, his wife remains in a coma and their son, born by Caesarean section five months after the crash, is being raised by relatives.
A judge sentenced Langston to 30 days in jail, plus house arrest and probation, and ordered her to carry a picture of Glenn Clark.
But when Clark's mother provided the photo of Clark in a casket, Langston, 27, objected. Her attorney said the "spirit of the agreement" was that the photo be of Clark when he was alive.
"This makes no sense to me. Requiring Jennifer to carry a picture like that defeats the whole purpose if the purpose is to look and remember," said Langston's attorney, Michael Sherman. "Who in their right mind will look at such a picture?"
Butler County Judge George Hancher ruled Tuesday that Langston would have to carry the coffin photo.
Clark's mother, Rosellen Moller, has been unapologetic.
"That's where she put him -- in a casket. That's what she did for him. I'd just shut my mouth if I was her," Moller said.
I read this the other day. Yesterday? It's kind of weird. Very weird.

I think i'm mixed emotion on it, though. On the one hand, it seems rather fitting. On the other hand, rather ... cruel almost.
I think her license should have been permanently revoked. If she were caught driving again, a mandatory jail sentence of 5 years with no early release for good behaviour.

I'm sorry I didn't vote in your poll, but none of the choices worked for me. I would have chosen "The punishment is meaningless." What good does carrying a photo around do? I don't think it will change her behaviour, and it certainly won't bring Glenn Clark back. Better to keep her off the road, permanently. :mad:
:cuss: They should take away her right to drink, too...If she gets caught drinking again she should rot in jail...I hate these stories..
5 years probation for being drunk and killing one person, taking a set of parents away from a child, and probalby killing two people by the time the wife's story is done. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

I am so sick and tired of hearing about people getting lenient sentences because they were drunkl. Like they didn't make the decision to get drunk.
I would just assume that she have to spend her entire jail term locked inside the coffin with the victim. Let her out for 5 minutes every other hour for potty breaks and food. Other than that... let her view her handywork up close.
unclehobart said:
I would just assume that she have to spend her entire jail term locked inside the coffin with the victim. Let her out for 5 minutes every other hour for potty breaks and food. Other than that... let her view her handywork up close.

See now, that works for me. Except she also has to pay child support for that kid too, since she took the kids parents away.
unclehobart said:
I would just assume that she have to spend her entire jail term locked inside the coffin with the victim. Let her out for 5 minutes every other hour for potty breaks and food. Other than that... let her view her handywork up close.

Now that is a good idea.

"That's where she put him -- in a casket. That's what she did for him. I'd just shut my mouth if I was her," Moller said.

Pretty much sums it up for me. She got off easy as it is, she really *should* shut her mouth.
unclehobart said:
I would just assume that she have to spend her entire jail term locked inside the coffin with the victim. Let her out for 5 minutes every other hour for potty breaks and food. Other than that... let her view her handywork up close.

Works for me too.
I like that one too. People are getting away with things nowadays. I like the fact that she has to carry a pic of him dead. After all, she did put him in that coffin, so let her see what she did to him.
I like the idea of her having to pay part child support for taking away a child's parent. :nod:

Anyone else remember a movie from some time ago ... I forget the specifics, but basically a guy killed someone in a drunk driving accident (iirc) and he was ordered to write a check for $1 every week for x amount of years or the rest of his life. I forget. The punishment was horrible for him, made him crazy. But, I could be recalling wrong.