wtf has my family done wrong?


Staff member
My aunt is in the final stages of some fatal cancer, about to die on a farkin' hospital bed. That'll make, oh, about 5 or 6 deaths in the last year. WTF is up with that? Have we somehow done something so wrong that nobody in the entire family is safe from death now? :grumpy:

Kinda makes me wonder whether I'll be next... :rolleyes:
1) You won't.

2) Families go through periods like this from time to time. While it's painful and depressing, it will pass. Focus on spending time with the ones you have left.

3) I'm really sorry you're going through it right now. :(
It always comes in waves ... I feel most when whole families are struck down in car accidents. Everyone in good health... everyone chipper... wham... sheer shock and devestation. All of the cousins, aunts, and uncles end up in a shocked daze for weeks and months.
We had one of those down in Owensville a couple years ago, Mother, Father, and two girls were killed. A 14 year old boy was left behind. That kids a sure bet for being in a State Hospital someday.
Why does it always happen at the worst times, though? couldn't death at least have the courtesy to wait until I'm no longer a depressed fucking psycho so i wouldn't be at risk of going and slicing my wrists and laying in the middle of a highway?

I dunno, this year it's taking all the family members I wasn't all that close to, but there aren't much left before it starts hitting the ones I am/was.
Well, timing is not always the greatest with death, especially cancer. Just keep the thought in your mind that if you do slice your wrists and go lay in the highway, it may be Gonz that comes to run over your sorry ass, and he's liable to kick your psycho ass for doing such a stupid thing.
Age doesnt cure that. Im 33 and still quite the depressive psycho ... and I have an Auntie with cancer as well. havent thought about slicing my wrists in 15 years though ... I turned the thoughts into slicing others wrists.
well... you do have to give me a reason, Steve. Im depressed, not psychotic. Besides... depressed people can't be arsed anyway. You really have to get in their face in order to get a physical reaction.
Nobody is safe from death. It is the only absolute (you can avoid taxes).

Slicing your own wrists is the pussy way out. PT told ya what I'd have to do. Say your goodbyes to those who are in the reapers grip & let it remind you that it's that easy. Makes you appreciate those who you are close too. Hang in there.
I've been through it. I lost people in my life.

You have to go on. There is no choice. None at all.
If you don't care about yourself and you are considering to commit suicide, at least think about the pain you'd cause to the ones you love.
Suicide is a cowards way out. The thing to do is be a man and starve to death.
It'd take too long for me to starve to death. I have about 50 or 60 lbs worth of blubber. It'd probably be easier to die of thirst.
True, but starving to death would take a serious commitment. It would definitely prove you had thought it over.
I have about 100 pounds of flab and plan to live off of it as long as I can. If it comes down to survival, I believe all is fair. Then there are no rules, eh some people call 'em laws.