I thought the same thing. They stopped doing his hair the same way too; he looks like a porn star or something.
Did you catch where Warrick called him "moustache boy"?
I've never liked moustaches on men. It's either the whole goatee or nothing. There's a guy I know who shaves his head and just has the beard under the mouth thing; not the whole face. I don't know what it's called. But his 4" beard hair is all kinky and dry, it looks horrible.
Went to go see what the CSI freaks thought... Episode spoilers for those who haven't seen it: It appears we're not alone in our opinions. I can't link directly to the first post that mentions the moustache but if you do a ctrl+F you can find it.
These people scare me a little bit in their obsession. But it's funny nonetheless.