Yahoo fantasy football league


Southern Discomfort
A few people here have expressed interest in doing a fantasy football league this year. I plan to set one up on yahoo. It is free to play, but may require some downloads (flash players etc) to draft. I have PMed those who have already shown interest in playing, but if anyone else wants in please reply below.

I plan to have everything set up by Tuesday. Tuesday morning then will be the cut-off if you are interested. I'll send you the PM everyone else got so you'll be up to speed. The PM contains info such as the live online draft time etc, so serious inquiries only please. The league has room for up to 10 players, and so far I have 7 potentials, 5 of which I'd say are definites. So room is available if anyone else wants in. I'd love to get all 10 from here and cat's site so we could make it a private league and avoid the braindead yahoo masses from infiltrating, but we'll see.

Could whoever moderates this forum please make this a sticky thread until 9/2 so it'll be easy to find? Thank you.
K, the votes I have so far indicate either the Thursday or Friday night draft. If anyone wants in and can't do one of those better let me know, I'm setting it up tomorrow.

Confirmed, we have:


Hanging in indeciciveness:

Stop Laughing
Thsi is what I replied to your PM with:

markjs said:
D, C, A, B, are my order of prefrence for draft times, and any of them are probably fine for me, but I do think we should do a private league and invite a few others or the likelihood of getting all of us in it seems like it might not be good. They fill public leagues at random I think.

That reply was based on this:

SouthernN'Proud said:
A - Friday 8/31 at 5:30PM Pacific

B - Thursday 8/30 at 6:00PM Pacific

C - Saturday 9/1 at 3:00PM Pacific

D - Saturday 9/1 at 10:AM Pacific

I don't know what more I have to do to be "confirmed" or how you made my response out to be indecisiveness. So I wish to confirm, please give me explicit instuctions on how to formally do so. :retard3:
It's crap like the above that got you ignored. I have the option of reading your stuff or not. I have to click to read it; otherwise it stays hidden. Yours and about 7 others. Don't like it? Sue me. But I won't receive a PM from you until I remove you from the ignore list. Until you grow up, that ain't happening. Again, don't like it...sue me. Or come, as you so eloquently put it, and kick my chicken ass. Better have tried, all left yelping.
It's crap like the above that got you ignored. I have the option of reading your stuff or not. I have to click to read it; otherwise it stays hidden. Yours and about 7 others. Don't like it? Sue me. But I won't receive a PM from you until I remove you from the ignore list. Until you grow up, that ain't happening. Again, don't like it...sue me. Or come, as you so eloquently put it, and kick my chicken ass. Better have tried, all left yelping.

OK, I'll excuse your mistaking my reference to kicking your ass in fantasy football, for a threat of violence. I know violence is one of the few languages that you redneck types understand, however, living around here, surrounded by rednecks, I too am quite fluent in it. I was merely talking smack about how I am gonna own yer ass in the fantasy football league.

As for actual asskicking, well I ain't yer average pussy liberal, and I have never lost a physical fight that I started. I've led a colorful life and I am sure I've faced down a lot scarier than the likes of you. All the same, we ain't never gonna tangle, and we both know it, so this internet toughguy posturing just makes us both look stupid, I suggest we both drop it.

So now tell me, why on earth would you ask me a question via a PM if you knew I couldn't answer you? Myself, not being such a pussy, I've never ignored anyone so I know nothing about the ignore feature, so I appologize for calling you a liar, and/or a bad comedian.

Oh and BTW, am I confirmed yet?
OK, I'll excuse your mistaking my reference to kicking your ass in fantasy football, for a threat of violence. I know violence is one of the few languages that you redneck types understand

Myself, not being such a pussy

And you wonder why...

I won't keep you out of the league.
Read the disclaimer. Damn why does everybody gotta take every last thing so seriously (me included I suppose).
OK, league is set up. Custom league, name of league is Fumblerooski, password is football.

Yahoo severely limited the times I could set the live draft for. Taking into consideration everyone's preferences (no way I could accomodate everyone's wishes) and going with majority vote among available times, the draft is Saturday September 1 at 9:30 AM eastern. That is the only time they gacve me for Saturday or Sunday, and the other days were during work hours for most and I don't want anybody (me most of all!) getting fired.

You can go into the league and pre-rank your players anytime between now and 1 hour before the draft. I strongly suggest you do so. Also take time to review the roster limits per position and the point scoring system. It's a head-to-head league, meaning your team will be facing off with another team from our league each week...high score wins.

In order to try and get a full ten team league, I will post the league info on yahoo's main fantasy football page periodically to recruit at-large players until we reach our 10 team maximum. I WILL NOT DO THIS BEFORE THURSDAY EVENING SO PLEASE JOIN THE LEAGUE BEFORE THEN IF YOU WANT TO BE ASSURED OF GETTING IN.

As always, any questions just ask. I'll do my best to answer them.
Can't seem to get in there. Went to Yahoo Fantasy football, tried to join a custom league in the free version, put in League ID using copy/paste, put in password, but it says league is not registered in theis game... what did i miss?
Try it by ID number 631658. Let me know if that works.

I'll be away from a computer all day, so anything that comes up I won't get to until after 5 or so tonight...
The following is a snip from the email sent from yahoo to all league commissioners. I thought it might prove helpful.

If you choose to remain in a live draft, please arrive at the draft 10 minutes ahead of the scheduled time. The draft will start promptly and may conclude rapidly if only a few managers are logged in.

We also suggest that all league members custom rank their players in case a manager can't make it to the draft. Managers can do this at any time by simply going to the Fantasy Football home page and clicking on their team name.

Thanks for joining. Good luck.

Also, I suggest that everyone make sure your computer has all the bells and whistles they require to run the draft. There is a link on the league page (I think is where it is) to a test. It took about 6 seconds on my computer. If you need to download something to be able to run the draft, do so early enough that you won't be blocked out of the draft.

And lastly, I apologize if the draft time is not convenient. I was quite pissed when I learned that yahoo won't let the draft be set when we want it, but we have to choose from a severely limited number of their options. I did the best I wasn't the most convenient of times for me either.
We need one more player to make the league. So tonks, stop laughing, or anyone else interested, it's yahoo fantasy football, league ID is 631658, password is football. Live draft at 9:30 AM eastern TODAY!
Yahoo messed the whole thing up somehow.

I just deleted the entire league and am going to start from scratch. I apologize for this. Everything was fine when I left it last night, this morningn it was all to hell. I have no idea what went wrong. I been trying to fix it for an hour or more.

I'm going to reset the draft for Wednesday at 8 PM if it will let me. Again, I am sorry but I have no clue what got screwed up. Definitely not my doing though.