Your chance to make a difference


New Member
Tomorrow (Sept. 11) is the anniversary of a horrible incident, but another looms heavy on the horizon. It seems that tomorrow, yet another atrocity against humankind may take place. There will be one final hearing to schedule the removal of hydration and nutrition from Terri Schavio. This will effectively end her life in seven to fourteen days.

What you may not know is Terri's story. The link above tells it much more adequately than I ever could, and I implore you to click it immediately. Read about what's going to happen tomorrow and take action. Sign the petition to Florida Governor Jeb Bush and see if we, collectively, can stop, or at least delay, this abhorrent state of affairs.

Other links you may or may not be interested in can be found here and here. I realize that not all of you will be interested in the plight of this poor woman, and that's ok, I suppose. Regardless, if you can spare a few minutes of your time to read up on this and sign the petition (should you feel inclined to do so), it would mean a lot to a great number of people.

Thank you for your time.

By the way, if I've posted this in the wrong area, please feel free to move it. However, if at all possible, leave it in a high-traffic area for a bit so it can be seen. Thanks.