
Doesn't matter, a car is not an investment is a luxury.

You should feel good that you have squeezed that much juice out of your money.
Doesn't matter, a car is not an investment is a luxury.

You should feel good that you have squeezed that much juice out of your money.

I don't plan on selling or trading it so $$ value is irrelevent,its just that seven digits on the odometer is kinda an occasion to mark.
I got you all beat.

I know that I have, ATM, ~43,650 miles on it. I know that the previous owner bought it in like '01 with ~70,000 miles on it.

Now, 70,000 miles on 12 years sounds like not a lot, but I don't know if the first owner was one of those people who never drove anywhere. It could have been that he didn't drive at all, or that he flipped the odo back in the nineties, which means I have either 143k or 243k on it. Any way to find out for sure?
Ford was running an ad here for a little while about having the most trucks still in service with over 250,000 miles.
I'd guess well under 100,000... cars today are expected to go a lot farther than cars in the past were... back then, 100,000 was considered the end of the expected lifespan.