A couple new T-Shirts


Mom doesn't think that the whole 'internet' thing is legal. Doesn't even trust computers...I doubt that it was her. :D

It seems to be someone called Lois ****** - no location stated. Maybe I should make a "I'm Superman's Babe" t-shirt and see if she bites again :D
You got something against Fred?

How would you like one across yo lip?
Didn't realize that this many people would recognize something that dates back as far as Sanford and son. :shrug:

* I couldn't pull off something that recognizable on CPress. They're heavy on the copyright image thing. I made a Neon Bob Marley... kinda looks like him, if you squint...but it was enough for them to squelch it.

**OOps...a bit large. Here's a link instead http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a376/BishopsBin/PiL_BJenkins.jpg
The use of an existing image, or rather a portion thereof, in a new piece is covered under the copyright act. Of the original photo, there remains the faint outline (roughly <5% of the piece), and even that has been modified so that the new outline doesn't match the old. This is well within the 'acceptable use' mandate of the copyright act.

I'm well into a discussion with their legal beagles re: how closely I followed the act. They're reviewing it...for the second time. We'll see if I'm allowed to place my finished work with their site. :shrug:

In the meanwhile, parody pieces (like the one that I sold) are acceptable through the 'fair use' portion of the act.

Maybe i should've made fun of Bob Marley instead.:hmm:
You got something against Fred?

How would you like one across yo lip?

Interestingly, when I saw that t-shirt I said to myself, "Look, a Redd Foxx t-shirt." I'll just sit over here in the corner being old and decrepit.
Interestingly, when I saw that t-shirt I said to myself, "Look, a Redd Foxx t-shirt." I'll just sit over here in the corner being old and decrepit.

You know I'd love to see some Redd Foxx standup. I'm going to have to see if there's anything available.