Fire Gonzales


New Member
You're absolutely right. Those 8 are gone. No crime.


Next is Gonzales, although his firing will be completely justified.

I'm not defending him. I have no idea if he's lied or not.

Right there in front of you

I don't even care, at this point.

Not surprising at all.

I do care that this fishing expedition is looking to add to the Scooter file. "If we ask enough
questions, sooner or later, they'll trip themselves up."

No fishing expedition. Don't try to make excuses. He did something corrupt and got caught and then lied about it trying to cover up his involvement.

The White House knows it and is trying to distance themselves.


molṑn labé
Staff member
spike & Newt, agreeing. Does it suddenly seem cold in here?

WASHINGTON - Joining a growing list of Republicans, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Sunday that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should consider resigning. The possible presidential candidate said the botched firing of U.S. attorneys has destroyed Gonzales' credibility as the nation's top law enforcer.

"I think the country, in fact, would be much better served to have a new team at the Justice Department, across the board," Gingrich said. "I cannot imagine how he is going to be effective for the rest of this administration. ... They're going to be involved in endless hearings."

He has a point but if they beat one that way, they can beat them all.



New Member
Struggling to save his credibility and perhaps his job, Gonzales testified at least 45 times before lunch that he could not recall events he was asked about.

After a long morning in the witness chair, he returned to face fresh Republican challenges to his credibility. "Why is your story changing?" asked Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, noting that the attorney general was now accepting responsibility for the firings after initially saying he had played only a minor role.

In response, Gonzales replied his earlier answers had been "overbroad" and the result of inadequate preparation.

The process that led to the firings "should have been more rigorous," he added, although he repeatedly defended the decisions themselves.

Moments later, Coburn delivered his verdict. He said the firing issue was "handled incompetently. The communication was atrocious. It's generous to say there were misstatements."

At this point he should be fired simply because his brain is apparently too damaged and suffers from massive memory loss :laugh:

This video is priceless.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Talk about a scatterbrain.
President Wm J Clinton said:
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinsky."

Make ya a deal. Let's fire ALL politicians & beauracrats & start over, from scratch.


New Member
That's got to be the most pathetic attempt to ignore what's going on by bringing up Clinton sex I've ever seen.

Wow. :grinno:


molṑn labé
Staff member
He's the AG. His job is to assist the President in hiring & FIRING federal attorneys. There is no story. However, I believe that Newt has it right. Your side will never let it go (whatever IT is) so he should resign for the good of the office.


New Member
He's the AG. His job is to assist the President in hiring & FIRING federal attorneys. There is no story.

If there was no story he'd be able to "recall" a hell of a lot more. This couldn't be a more obvious cover up.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Damned if you do & damned if you don't. One reason "I Forgot" is DCs favorite phrase/


New Member
So you support top government officials being able to cover up any wrong doings with a "I forgot"?

This asshole is yet another corrupt republican goner. Good riddance.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Support, or recognize the fact that two things stand in the way...the 5th & the possibility that they did forget?

There is no corruption here, no matter how hard you look.


Well-Known Member
Well, I've stayed out of this one for the most part, Butttt....
I must say it isn't looking good for Gonzales.

What law did he break?

I don't know Yet what he did, but I know some of what he didn't do.
Anyway, he is asking for immunity. For What? We don't know yet.

He at the very least has been very inadequate at the job, but I believe
he's going to crack in some way.
Either be prosecuted, of out somebody.:eyebrow:

The illegal wiretapping may be the one that hangs him.

If he was smart, he'd have already stepped down.


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Executive branch has full authority to fire any (or all-see Clinton) federal prosecutor they see fit. They do not need authorization nor permission from the Judicial or Legislative branch.

There is no crime hence no need for an investigation (same goes for Scooter)


Well-Known Member
The documents underscore questions about Gonzales' credibility as senators consider whether a perjury investigation should be opened into conflicting accounts about the program and a dramatic March 2004 confrontation leading up to its potentially illegal reauthorization.,2933,290844,00.html

WTF, we got more fall guys here than "Carter's got liver pills".

Looks like maybe another conviction, and probably another commute/pardon coming.:disgust2:

This is getting old.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Since taking over the legislature, the Dems have started over 200 investigations. With that many lawyers looking at 10-20 folks, they're going to find someone who contradicts themself, even if it's all truthful.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Since taking over the legislature, the Dems have started over 200 investigations. With that many lawyers looking at 10-20 folks, they're going to find someone who contradicts themself, even if it's all truthful.

He'd have been better off with one of my standard answers to the types of questions they're asking...

1...My personal favorite..."That's none of your damned business."
2...A close second.........."I don't work for you, do I?"


New Member
Since taking over the legislature, the Dems have started over 200 investigations. With that many lawyers looking at 10-20 folks, they're going to find someone who contradicts themself, even if it's all truthful.

Hell with that much corruption I'm surprised there's not more investigations. Glad to see they're starting to be held accountable.


molṑn labé
Staff member
He'd have been better off with one of my standard answers to the types of questions they're asking...

1...My personal favorite..."That's none of your damned business."
2...A close second.........."I don't work for you, do I?"

Perhaps they ought to follow Hillarys example.

I don't recall. (over 100 times in the Whitewater investigation)


Well-Known Member
Ollie was winner
he was in on the deal to sell arms to Iran to fight Saddam
and then take that money and buy arms for the Contras
to fight the Commies
He shoulda gotten a fricken medal
but the libby Commies got involved

have I mentioned today how much I hate Commies?

Kill a commie for Mommy!