Future Ford Explorer...

Remember when trucks used to be trucks & cars weren't.

Few days ago I was traversing one of the back roads near the Roost. Got behind a 30-something woman going about 1 mph faster than a possum...driving a Cadillac truck.

Now, I ask myself...is she ever going to haul a damn thing in that truck? No. Is she ever going to have it off the pavement? Not by design. So why go drop 30-40K on this thing? If you want a Caddy, get a Caddy. If you want a truck, get a truck. If you want a status symbol truck, get a F-250. And above all, get out of the damn way already!

The Explorer looks like a Nitro clone. I guess they've been loosing ground to them. The escape towing ..... is why I'm still looking for a replacement tow rig.
I'm a lifelong Ford fan, and believe me when I say that one of the happiest days in recent memory was when we traded that Explorer for a Hyundai Tucson. No comparison at all.
I'm a lifelong Ford fan, and believe me when I say that one of the happiest days in recent memory was when we traded that Explorer for a Hyundai Tucson. No comparison at all.

YOU drive a hyundai?

we need a thread about what we perceive vs reality.

I just pictured you with an American car, chevy truck or somthing

The Hyundai is primarily the wife's vehicle. I drive a Mazda (read: Ford) 4X4 pick-up truck.

Within the next 6-8 months I plan to buy a car for my use though. Keeping the truck, just adding a car. And it'll likely be either a Hyundai or a Kia.

It will NOT be a chebbie or any derivative. Perish the thought.
pfft if I could afford to run one I'd have me a pick-up truck...there's always things one needs a pickup truck for. When I moved I had to borrow my brother's, when I get patio furniture I'm going to have to borrow my co-worker's...when I move again I'm gonna have to borrow my co-workers...I can't afford a big ol' truck right now though so I'm thinking maybe I'll go with a Ford Escape. My mom's best friend has one and they tow their boat with it all the time, and I'd really like to have a 4x4 for winter trips into the mountains.
So get one. No law saying you gotta drive it off the showroom floor ya know. My truck gets as good gas mileage as most cars of the same year and engine size. 4 wheel drive burns more gas, but I don't use it that often. When I do need it, it's a blessing. I'd wager the insurance is cheaper on a truck too.
I am looking into how realistic my dreams are. A co-worker suggested I look into 2007s, I just haven't got around to it yet.
Or 2006, or 2005...

I drive an '06 now...that may be worth looking into. Something about the same KM as my current car, sam warranty, etc...since really I probably shouldn't even be doing this because I have 3.5 years of payments remaining on my car.
Nixy, It's well worth the money to get a leaser that's been turned it. I've gotten several. They've already had most of the 'factory' problems dealt with, and since they're leased, they're generally better taken care of than owned. After all, when you know you're gonna have to pay to fix that dent or scratch before you can return the car, you try to make sure it doesn't happen. And they're all still under warranty, so it's small change to buy the extended (if having the full new car warranty is important to you),

That said, my personal recommendation is to buy an older truck. Yeah, sure, it's gonna have some rust (which can be fixed) and not be as fuel miserly, but you won't be getting a 'wannabe' truck either. A true 4X4 with a solid front axle isn't gonna win any 'comfort' awards, but it's certainly a better, stronger truck.
Instead of a Ram, F-150 or Silverado, have you considered, say, a Ranger? Toyota Tacoma?

There are also smaller pickups. There's a VW Pointer pick-up (1.8l, and 1.85m^2 - 687kg load) and the chevrolet tornado (1.68m*1.39m - 735kg load).

Dunno if those are even available there, but they sure do the occassional job.