has anyone else noticed ..

If you intend it as a "dirty name" cat, then it's name-calling regardless. It's like Paul being jewish for example. Depending on what I mean when I say, "He's a jew," it can either be an epithet or a simple description. I think it's pretty obvious what many of our members mean when they say "liberal" or "socialist," now isn't it?

yeah I'm sure other factors also play part.
I overlook most of it when it's Obvious baiting. My eyes start glazing.
So, I don't judge much of it after that. Let it sink it the threads.

not a mod here. don't wanna be.
He wants the government to be responsible for everything to everyone.

That's socialist.

He wants to take money from haves and give directly to the have nots through tax hikes and tax credits.

That's Marxist.

If that is what you want, then vote that way. Just know what kind of change you are voting for.
shit, at least I am not a dirty socialist, like that Obama fella.

Bloody peasant!

See see, Oppresion oppresion!!

Mr, all high and might gentile right now, but wait until you need a good Doctor, or lawyer, or secret cabal that actually controls the world to forward it' own zionist ideals, then you will be sorry....

IMO my open source programs are better than some of the outsourced crap MS has come out with lately.

there's a difference in programming to say "hey look what I did" and being forced, or under paid to 'Have to do it'.

There's only a couple of steps from capitalism, to dictatorship/autocracy, (if you make it big)
and that is what many now don't understand. The very rich let greed turn some them.
just dies laughing ...

This is probably one of the most humorous and entertaining threads I've ever read in TRW. Gotta love it :D
Sorry Gonz. When you use liberal or socialist as an epithet (as you and many others clearly do), that is in fact name calling whether or not the labels actually apply.

A label that is descriptive & accurate is no more than it is. Aren't you the one always saying we're reading more into things that is actually there? It's not a synonym for asshole or anything.
A label that is descriptive & accurate is no more than it is. Aren't you the one always saying we're reading more into things that is actually there? It's not a synonym for asshole or anything.
I don't always say it. You do it with alarming frequency. In this case, it's markedly apparent that I am not doing it.
oh for the love of christ gonz.
Can't help you with that. ;)