9-12 Project/Tea Party Express

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Stormfronters are calling Tea Bagging their cause.

Wow, they even quote the same misinformation you do AND read WND too. Imagine that!

Originally Posted by Thor357 View Post
2 MILLION marched on Washington! The biggest Tea Party yet!
Imagined if they were armed! That'd make the bugger's eyes water!
Good points, Thor and Leland, but I imagine a headless mob quickly taken over by sell-outs. The mob needs leadership. I'm training for leadership in the WN, and I encourage everyone else to do so. A mob merely destroys, then peters out and goes home. We need a 24/7, 365 day mob, a standing 1776-style army. A group of angry villagers with torches is nice, don't get me wrong, I love this, but we need to lead these people, not stand idly by and follow them, as so many WNs apparently are planning on doing. We have so many White Nationalist Bystanders among us.

The Mob is our muscle, we are their natural leaders. Think big everyone. We have to start thinking, "hmmm, how can I, a WN, exploit this?". When everybody starts to do this in our movement is exactly the time we will win.

Let us WNs and Patriots be their leaders. We need to lead these people.

Yeah and idiots call "liberals" hatemongers. Of course hatred is OK when you are deluded into thinking you are right, huh Gonz?
Cerise's people are governed by different standards than regular people. Jebus has forgiven them and excused them to do anything they damn please from then on, regardless of what anyone thinks, or how they are affected.

It is odd that I keep hearing some cons on here talk about "only the left mentions racism". The fact of the matter is the "left" mentions racism a lot less than cons talk about the left mentioning racism! The "right" takes any mention of racism by the "left" and talks about it 10,000 times for every one slip of someone on the "left's" political correctness.

Oh wait, I already forgot Jebus lets the forgiven not follow the rules the rest of us unworthy folks have to follow!

Forgive me Jebus! I want to be allowed to be hypocritical and condemn other peoples to hell in your name! Is there any hope for me?!?
Can't deny the facts: 2010......"We're coming to getcha....and it's gonna be ugly.......it's gonna make you cwy."

Are you trying to say that is that bad, or something?? :shrug:

I'm not usually a fan of white supremacist causes. I know you are though. Isn't that something that you share so much with in common with them?

Can't deny the facts: 2010......"We're coming to getcha....and it's gonna be ugly.......it's gonna make you cwy."

That's not a fact. That's speculation. You keep confusing the two and ended up incredibly wrong and looking pretty silly in the last election didn't you?

Here is a fact: In the last two elections we came to get you.....it was ugly for you......it made you cwy. =D
Cerise's people are governed by different standards than regular people. Jebus has forgiven them and excused them to do anything they damn please from then on, regardless of what anyone thinks, or how they are affected.

It is odd that I keep hearing some cons on here talk about "only the left mentions racism". The fact of the matter is the "left" mentions racism a lot less than cons talk about the left mentioning racism! The "right" takes any mention of racism by the "left" and talks about it 10,000 times for every one slip of someone on the "left's" political correctness.

Oh wait, I already forgot Jebus lets the forgiven not follow the rules the rest of us unworthy folks have to follow!

Forgive me Jebus! I want to be allowed to be hypocritical and condemn other peoples to hell in your name! Is there any hope for me?!?

if that's the burden you want to put on yourself, go for it.
I guess some people like to be beat, and made to feel cheap.
That's not a fact. That's speculation. You keep confusing the two and ended up incredibly wrong and looking pretty silly in the last erection, didn't you?

If you insist. :rolleyes: I think you forgot to italicize the word "ugly." :rofl3:
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