Recent content by Cheese

  1. Cheese

    Teen Charged with child pornography?!

    source Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhtttt
  2. Cheese

    The Passion of an Idiot.

    hmmm...for a minute there I thought he called 911 to ask them if they could finish off the job for him. Oh well...
  3. Cheese

    How do I get super glue out of clothing?

    Try pouring some eucalyptus oil over it. It generally works with gum that you can't freeze off or get off with a knife. Plus, even if it doesn't work, it won't damage your shirt.
  4. Cheese

    3/17/04: Steak & a Blowjob Day

  5. Cheese

    Here's one for Prof - Dutch Politicians Want Bestiality Banned

    Animal rape. That's all I'm thinking of right now.
  6. Cheese

    Bush calls for constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage

    Rosie O'Donnell weds longtime girlfriend in San Francisco quote: I want to thank the city of San Francisco for this amazing stance the mayor has taken for all the people here, not just us but all the thousands and thousands of loving, law-abiding couples," O'Donnell said, after she Kelli...
  7. Cheese

    Child porn in a CGI world - legal question

    They haven't only been doing that, they've also set up fake online personalities to try to lure paedophiles in various chatrooms (that allow children in them). They would usually disguise themselves as 13 year olds and wait for the bastard to suggest or say something sexually explicit and then...
  8. Cheese

    Men can Breastfeed-

    I can't help but just feel that it looks soooo wrong.
  9. Cheese

    Do Gay parents influence their children towards homosexuality?

    I'd read of a case where both parents were homosexual and had had sex changes, and the woman's(who was now a man) daughter also ended up making the decision to have a sex change and all. So I guess having gay parents would certainly make one more acceptant of gays.
  10. Cheese

    Tree hugging film of the day

    Same here...*runs to find Dr. Seuss books*
  11. Cheese

    Farah Khan

    I say we cut him up and see how HE likes it! Bloody lunatic.
  12. Cheese

    Gay Penguins & their desire to be parents

    I'm really hoping that's the reason, because if it isn't, I'll be finding it hard to cope with the fact that penguins CAN be so very....profound in emotions :alienhuh:
  13. Cheese

    Mass. gay marriage ban overturned

    When worse comes to worse, just elope.
  14. Cheese

    Zero Tolerance = Zero Intelligence

    Well that's rather shitted.
  15. Cheese

    final straw

    Never actually had to end a friendship with anyone yet. Though if I did, the reasons would be all of the above.