Recent content by Elwood

  1. E

    All of this hoopla...

    chcr, It was just used as an example of his flippant attitude toward the office he held. We really should expect somewhat decent and logical behavior from the president, even if he is just a puppet, or figurehead, or whatever. It does reflect poorly on us as a nation to have elected someone...
  2. E

    All of this hoopla...

    Gonz, The two lines you quoted me on could be said to be related, oddly enough. About closing of borders after WWII, please enlighten me about where it got us. I don't remember :) Since the U.S. has been involved in the Middle East's business for so many decades, and we were attacked...
  3. E

    All of this hoopla...

    I've always held that we should've kept out of the Middle East completely. As stated before (sorry can't recall who), their culture is completely different. It appears that even in the event that they are being treated like crap, they'd rather just live that way than to have some meddlesome...
  4. E

    Canada's gun control costs

    The spirit in which the 2nd amendment was written applies to every single citizen of the United States. It is there primarily to ensure that a tyrannical centralized government could be kept in check by an armed populace. The founding fathers knew too well that the British weren't the only...
  5. E

    Canada's gun control costs

    No surprise coming from the Nation of California, the original proponents of same sex marriage, among other wondrous abberant legislation. Weren't they all supposed to slide off into the ocean a few decades ago? Something about the San Andreas faultline.... Maybe if enough of us went to the...
  6. E

    what is wrong with people?

    Professur, While I agree that all humans have a tendency for evil (and therefore no one is innocent), animals are not even in the same realm as humans. Man has dominion over them. I'm not saying it's alright to torment them, but we use them as we see fit. That's how things were set up from...
  7. E

    Another school shooting

    Another thing...... Good parenting will prevent this sort of thing from happening. If you have kids and don't pay attention to them, lead them and instruct them in what is acceptable and what is not (they watch everything you do, so you can't just tell them one thing and do another), and...
  8. E

    Another school shooting

    I hate to hear of such news. No sane person could approve of these types of crimes. However, the price we pay for freedom is innocent lives, plain and simple. If someone can't accept this, I encourage him or her to move to a country that has a government that will "take care of you", as if...
  9. E

    what is wrong with people?

    What's really disturbing is how it seems people get more worked up about this sort of thing than they do when humans are murdered/tortured etc. It's a twisted world.