Recent content by nalani

  1. nalani

    Hippo Bathday Samcurry

    Hau'oli Lā Hānau e Sam!
  2. nalani

    For the love of God could Brett Favre just quit already!

    OMG, finally someone who shares my opinion! I voiced this same thing when his decision to "come back" totally took over every stations' news at every moment of the day! Needless to say, it wasn't a popular opinion to have .. so since then I've just quietly said, "go away, Brett .. go the hell...
  3. nalani

    for once .. something sweet ...

    I thought this article would be a nice change of pace to what we're used to seeing in this forum. Enjoy :)
  4. nalani

    A&B @ 10 weeks

    LOL that's what they look like every time they cry at the same time or are sleeping side by side LOL BoP - ahh .. we don't say "Pacific Islander" here .. you're either Hawaiian .. or not LMAO
  5. nalani

    A&B @ 10 weeks

    Hmmm... a few more months and their eldest sibling should have them in the water :D
  6. nalani

    A&B @ 10 weeks

    yep, she is waaay white LOL. What's "PI"?
  7. nalani

    A&B @ 10 weeks

    My son, Keao
  8. nalani

    A&B @ 10 weeks

    My daughter, Kamamalu
  9. nalani

    A&B @ 10 weeks

    Just thought Iʻd drop a line and show off the latest offspring since itʻs been a while. I couldnʻt decide which of these three to post so I posted them all LOL
  10. nalani

    On the road again...

    Good luck, Gato. Hopefully this is the last time .. ever :)
  11. nalani


    The best Dr Pepper I've ever had was in Deleon, Texas - the birthplace of Dr Pepper ... it's made with pure cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup .. it's yumminess ... I miss it.
  12. nalani

    Nalani gave birth :D

    just a few more ...
  13. nalani

    Nalani gave birth :D

    hehehehe .. thanks everyone The dude is their daddy .. my boyfriend, Chris - or as Gato likes to call him, the "glorified loader" LOL.
  14. nalani

    Nalani gave birth :D

    Ok Les ... here are a few more :)
  15. nalani

    Nalani gave birth :D

    *chuckles* thanks for all the well-wishing, gang ... they're a handful but luckily I have lots of help. Our daughter is blonde beyond blonde and tiny tiny tiny. She looks exactly like her father when he was a baby. She was born first on Valentine's night (she actually broke her water a week...