1/21/53 - 05/05/05; goodbye mom


Staff member
Last night as we were celebrating my birthday at my mother's, she happened into a coughing fit, and due to some of the medication she was taking, her bones were brittle. She broke 5 ribs and went to the hospital. All they gave her was some pain medicine until she stopped hurting, then they sent her back home. A few hours later, early this morning, she died. The cause is not known yet, but I think it is either a heart attack or internal bleeding related to her earlier injury.

Love you, Mom.
Shit, Fluffy. That's awful. You alright? Have you talked to your dad yet?

Make sure Asshole doesn't try to take anything outta the house.
Oh shit fury. I'm so sorry. I lost my mom last fall. Take care of yourself before anything else.

Edited because I was so shocked I used a capital "f."
Dennis, I am so sorry. Please if you need anything call me or pm me. I just cant believe this after our last conversation, I was having good feelings about her recovery.
:( :(
'kin a, i don't what to tell you mano, except to find something/one solid and hang on for dear life. i don't know what i'd do if either of my parents died tomorrow, i mean, i can't even comprehend it, just thinking about it makes me want to destroy something beautiful.
It was just as much a shock to me. She had broken her ribs before (with the same kind of coughing fit) and so I went back home last night thinking she'd just be in a different kind of pain for a few weeks like last time, then she'd recover...

I didn't get to say a proper goodbye... at the time I was leaving she was more concerned about whether I had enjoyed my birthday or not and I couldn't say the right words to convince her that I did.

I never got a single gut feeling that I should have stayed there. It must have been meant to be, so I hope she now knows everything that I never got a chance to tell her or show her.
fury said:
I didn't get to say a proper goodbye...

You could have been standing there holding her hand at the last, and still. There's no such thing as a proper goodbye, Denis. But hold that memory. Her last thoughts about you, were loving ones..
fury said:
It was just as much a shock to me. She had broken her ribs before (with the same kind of coughing fit) and so I went back home last night thinking she'd just be in a different kind of pain for a few weeks like last time, then she'd recover...

I didn't get to say a proper goodbye... at the time I was leaving she was more concerned about whether I had enjoyed my birthday or not and I couldn't say the right words to convince her that I did.

I never got a single gut feeling that I should have stayed there. It must have been meant to be, so I hope she now knows everything that I never got a chance to tell her or show her.

She does know. Even though we don't always say what we feel, or show it either for that matter, our parents always know that we do love them. At least she is at peace now. She will no longer have to suffer. Good luck Dennis!