1/21/53 - 05/05/05; goodbye mom

Hi Fury... I've known you online for quite some time now and know you do nothing but good for the benefit of all the people on the web. I can't imagine you being any different in person.

May nothing but good come back to you and your family.

I extend to you my sincerest condoloences. I became an orphan earlier this year and know how it feels to lose a parent. Hang in there and things will turn up.

And, before I forget, I hope you had a happy birthday.
Fury, I'm so sorry to just learn of this. You are special and I pray that things are getting easier for you day by day.
I've moved into my own apartment now, so I'm living on my own. Thus, it's a lot harder to stay distracted from thinking about mom, but I have gotten better at instead remembering the funny/happy memories. It's awkward to chuckle when there's a big lump crawling up my throat and tears going down my face. But it feels good somehow.

I've been pretty busy as of late with school and work and family taking precedence over internet communicability (is that a word?). But I wanted to stop by in between some homework and offer my heartfelt gratitude for the condolences, well wishes, and thoughtful cards and gifts that you all sent me/us. Your kindness has been uplifting to me and has brought comfort to the rest of the family.
Yep. Still at their usual boys will be boys routine. Sucks when I visit them and then have to leave; They tend to miss me a lot more when I'm gone now since I moved separately from them. The older young one will stay awake crying at night if he knows I have to go back home.
fury said:
I've moved into my own apartment now, so I'm living on my own. Thus, it's a lot harder to stay distracted from thinking about mom, but I have gotten better at instead remembering the funny/happy memories. It's awkward to chuckle when there's a big lump crawling up my throat and tears going down my face. But it feels good somehow.

I've been pretty busy as of late with school and work and family taking precedence over internet communicability (is that a word?). But I wanted to stop by in between some homework and offer my heartfelt gratitude for the condolences, well wishes, and thoughtful cards and gifts that you all sent me/us. Your kindness has been uplifting to me and has brought comfort to the rest of the family.
*Aunty Em hugz fury

Yes It's hard living on your own when you've lost someone, I know that feeling well, but remembering the fun times helps. So does keeping busy and planning for the future and the unshakable belief that we will all be together again in the end.

I actually find the kindness the hardest thing to bear.
fury said:
I've moved into my own apartment now, so I'm living on my own. Thus, it's a lot harder to stay distracted from thinking about mom, but I have gotten better at instead remembering the funny/happy memories. It's awkward to chuckle when there's a big lump crawling up my throat and tears going down my face. But it feels good somehow.

That's actually a pretty good step towards healing. I know it's still hard, but congrats on finding a way to begin moving forward.