10:22 tomorrow night


Major contributor!
And I will be a very happy man. That's when she's supposed to be coming into the local airport.

:hump: :hump: :hump:
naw, airport security wouldn't like that...

(incidentally, is the third conversation about sex and airport security that i have had on otc...strange....)
Remember......drink plenty of fluids through the day, don't want any dehydration accidents :D
PostCode said:
The concourse has carpeting. Works for me. :D
FIrst time in months, probably don't even have to strip for that one, First hug with a pelvic thrust should relieve some buildup.
Unfortunately, I still have a store to run. The misses will be there too though and I'll be teaching her a bunch of things about it, like the POS system, ordering of various things like printer ink and other accessories, and a crash course in what computers can and cannot do so when she tries to sell to a customer she's not saying the impossible.

She's also got a mountain of paperwork to go through. Reorganize all the bills, setup a filling system, learn the way we run Quick Books, and a bunch of other kinds of office stuff. She already knows quick books pretty good, but the way it's done here is a bit different.

However, I'll try to find a few moments in the next couple of days to stop in. Today I've got an order for four computers soming in, so I might have my hands pretty well tied up this afternoon. Building them should be pretty easy though and the loading of the OS shouldn't take all that long. I'm going to probably stick around the shop antil I have to go pick her up though. I've got a bunch of other things to work on as well. Four more computers came in for repair yesterday.

Such is life though. Work, work, work. :bummer:
tonks said:
naw, airport security wouldn't like that...

(incidentally, is the third conversation about sex and airport security that i have had on otc...strange....)

that isnt strange hon. most of our threads become sex one way or another ;)

glad to hear shell be back posty
ooooh how long now posty?

You need to post was time zone 10:22pm is in!!!

HE'S GONNA BLOW or SHE WILL or something's gonna blow around here:D