100 Best Gadgets.

What makes you say that? What could they have possibly put on that list that would be girlie and yet not make you slam them for being sexist, pandering, or too ...'tee, hee, hee... I'm such a girl and I bow down to my man.' ?
owed 16 items on that list......Gess, some things brought back memories!!! :D

remembers her Raggedy Ann sleeping bag & Holly Hobbie easy bake oven
Some of those things don't qualify as gadgets in my eyes:

all 6 variations of laptops
master padlock
If one stlye of palm-puter were there, I would agree... but this thing is obviously a stacked deck from a computer company in that they put in 4 or 5 variations as individual ground-shaking wonders... *cough* bull-poo.
know what gadget I miss......don't know if all knows what "Tupperware " is, but they had this orange peeler thingy, I miss mine, who knows where it went, but i can't even find a tupperware agent here in FL.
Are they supposed to be in order? How can a swiss army knife be higher than the leatherman. When the write up said it blows the multi purpose knives out of the water.

Sextant and microscope should be in the top 5 and some of them are just crap.
tank girl said:
obviously no women contributed to this list... :eyebrow:

100. NSI BEDAZZLER, 1970s
Developed by Long Island-based NSI Innovations, the BeDazzler has been turning humdrum garments into glitzy gear for years. Whoever thought a souped-up stapler would become synonymous with anything adorned with rhinestones? So far, millions have been sold, so it looks as if it's here to stay
lol Inky :D

Me or the kids - Pez, Rubik's Cube, Electric Razor, Dustbuster, Zippo Lighter, Lite Bright, Laser Pointer, Mini RC carS, MasterLock padlock, Tickle Me Elmo, Cuisinart, Nokia 5100 series, Leatherman, Maglite, Motorola Pager, Abacuses? Abaci?, Magic 8 Ball, Etch-A-Sketch, Speak and Spell, GameBoyS, Motorola Startac, Sony Walkman.

All the toys, it looks like :eyemouth: