16GB Flash Card


Well-Known Member
SEOUL, South Korea - Samsung Electronics Co. introduced a high-capacity flash memory chip on Monday that could let Apple Computer Inc. and other makers of portable electronic devices pack more data into less failure-prone gadgets.

The 16-gigabit NAND flash memory chip, equivalent to 2 gigabytes of storage, doubles a chip Samsung introduced last September.

Demand for such chips is currently "explosively strong" and is expected to remain strong throughout next year, said Chang-Gyu Hwang, president of the company's semiconductor operations.

Samsung's flash business is already getting a big boost from Apple's new flash memory-based iPod Nano music players, announced last week and due in 2-gigabyte and 4-gigabyte versions. The Nano will replace Apple's hard drive-based iPod Mini line.

Apple is a major purchaser of Samsung flash memory. An Apple spokesman did not return calls Monday seeking comment on whether the company plans to use the chip in future iPods.


Great...now it's a lot easier to lose a lot more information.
Usually if someone posts "16GB" in the headline, readers think "16 gigabytes." Gigabits would be Gb... although most people would probably still think "16 gigabytes."
Yep, a tad decieving. Much like the whole hard drive thing though. Don't exactly know how they get away with 1 Megabyte = 1,000,000 bytes or 1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Guess it's too hard to actually multiply x 2.
They get away with it because if you ask Joe Sixpack Computer Buyer, the guy who's buying hard drives from Wal-Mart, what a million of something is, he'll tell you 1,000,000.

This is the same reason we have movies on tape and DVD with their sides cut off, so the remaining butchered image fills up the screen.
Must've read it too fast. 16Gbit, eh :p

Back to hoping that constellation 3D gets their ass in gear and actually builds some of the vapor-ware they've been promissing.

Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc (FMD) is a new data storage format currently being developed by a company called Constellation 3D (C3D). FMD is an optical format, similar in size and appearance to regular CD-ROMs and DVDs. However, the real advantage that FMD technology promises over it's rivals is that although a CDR may hold 700 MB of data, and a DVD-ROM 4.7 GB, initial reports from C3D claim that it may be possible to produce FMD discs with up to 140 GB of data, greatly eclipsing it's nearest rival.
Fuck! They declared bankruptsy. :(

Wonder who owns the tech now.
I don't know, they're talking blu-ray and HD dvd are both going up to dual and quad layers. Something like 120Gb and 90Gb. Sure be nice to have those for backups.
tommyj27 said:
heheh, what tech? probably amounted to some technical drawings done in finger paint.
Nah...they were listed on the NYSE. It takes more than vapourware to get an IPO and a listing. They were also featured in Wired and other tech-mags on numerous occasions. Probably more of a fear of actually going to market on what they had built and working. For some, R&D is more important than production (selling out).
