2000K Pro questions...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
.... Just when you thought you'd escaped..... :D

1. How do I make a boot disk for 2k? I can't find any info in the help. ?(

2. sort of a 2k question.... How do I migrate this OS from one partitian to the other? e.g. I want to wipe Me and replace it with 2K. :)
You can create a repair disk from there. I assume you could boot from that repair disk.

If that's not what your looking for, try this.
There just isn't a good universal "boot disk" type of thing for win2k like there is for win98/me. Especially if you're running NTFS (one of the primary reasons for using 2k IMO). There are some utilities that can be loaded from floppy that will make NTFS partitions readable from within a DOS disk, but they're still somewhat limited in practicality.

I think the "bood disk" win2k creates is one that launches the repair console on bootup. Certainly not a bad thing to have, but not extremely versatile either.

BTW... windows 2000K would be a really, really advanced OS! :D
I just got some program from someone here last week that allowed me to use a DOS prompt on an NTFS volume. I'll have to ask him the name of it again because it would come in handy from time to time.

Auntie, if you just want to format partition that Me is on, you can go to start--control panel--administrative tools-computer management--disk manager. You can format and partition from within 2000 without going through a DOS prompt.

Other than that, I use a 98 startup disk for everything else that I need to do in DOS.
Ho Hum.....

Well I've had fun!

I discovered that my 2k is an upgrade version (bloody gifthorses). :rolleyes: So guess who fucked things up by deleting the first partitian? :D I thought it looked it bit sparce in there - anyway, alls well that ends well, I repartitianed and reinstalled. Now all I have to do is update..... again.....:(

One bit of good news though... I can use the USB 2.0 after all, it was the agp drivers in the 4 in 1 Via driver that was causing the problem with the graphics card.... works just fine on the set in windows. :D
Even with an upgrade version most just ask you to put an old Win98, 95, or NT disk in to prove you own it, I wouldn't think deleting the first partition would screw things up...
Well, I guess it's all good experience.... I'll look more carefully next time and not take someone's word quite so much at face value... This one has 2000 Pro Client written all over it... maybe that was a clue..... so I installed Me and upgraded to 2000, 'cos it wouldn't start on it's own.

Oh, and I boot OK into DOS with the Me startup disk, so I'll just use that if I have to.
OK, we're back to where we were last night with all the updates, utility programs and hardware installed.... phew.

Now I can start making changes to the registry etc to make it work more efficiently. Just a couple of tweaks so far to make it put things into upper memory and recognise the size of my L2 cache more easily, car of PCStats site. :)
Ah, that's true. I think I did that myself without any problem though. :confuse3: