2K and XP under 4 drives on RAID 0


Major contributor!
Is there a limitation to the number of drives supported by 2K Pro or XP Pro in RAID mode 0? I am getting error with the High Point 404 with four 80GB drives. I can use a High Point RR133 2-channel card with two drives and get no issues, but if I use four drives on the RR404 then I get an error at the time it wants to load the drivers for the RAID Card during the first portion of the install. It's a rather cryptic error that tells me nothng...no I didn't write it down either.

Linux runs beautifully. Installed 2.5Gigs of crap in 13 minutes. RH 8 starts up in a few seconds now. Very nice. :D

Nice and fast. THis controller dosen't go down any further than 16K blocks though. I think it would a lot faster though if the block size was 4K. Still, this is the fastest I've seen Linux run.
Figured it out. It's looking for the drivers in a directory called /winxp and not in the root directory. No I've just gotta format 305GB of space. :D :D
damn posty nice...
i was running for a while 4 80 gig drives, but was in raid 5. never tried raid0 on them.
The first time I did raid with my RocketRAID 133 2 channel card I did it witht he default 64K size. I really did't notice much of a performance increase. I got to looking around on the Internet and a lot of people were reportig a increase in speed by reducing the bloc size to 4K. Well, that controller and my new RocketRaid 404 only go down to 16K sizes. Regardless, the increase is very noticable. It's a huge difference. It took RedHat 8 to install on two drives in about 30 mnutes for 2.5GB of data. On the 404 with 4 drives, it took 13 minutes for the same amount of data. :eek:

At this moment, XP is installing right now. It just rebooted after copyig the data from the CD and is now entering the Installing Windows phase. It's indicating 39 minutes right now, but I imagine that'll drop off as the install gets further along. It just dropped to 20 minutes....holy shit this thing is flying. :D :D :D