2K - Save resources - shutdown faster

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Annoyed at the amount of time it takes 2k to shutdown while it saves your settings? Then do this:

Right click on the desktop > properties > background > none > apply > click on the web tab > new > browse > find the picture you want as your background > OK > apply > OK > click on the arrow at the top left corner of the picture that appears > cover desktop.

It takes less resources to run your background as a web page and you may find as I did that your 2k will now close down in less than 30 seconds… more like 10 actually!

PS: it also works in Me and with animated gifs.
I have active desktop disabled, i find out that it is way faster and it uses less memory to use large BMPs than GIFs or JPGs.

Yes, it uses less memory even if the BMP is 3-4MB.
My computer was taking several minutes to shut down before I tried this... I have made some changes in the registry too to do with the delay time, but I did that a while ago and it made little difference on it's own. I was just getting really fed up with the time it was taking.
Seeing as how I don't have a desktop background, and hate Active Desktop, this won't help much, but thanks anyway! I'm sure it'll help someone! :beerbang:
I played around with it back in 95 and 98 some, back then it just slowed your computer down horribly. I'll give it a try in XP, but I'm not looking for it to make much difference. Are you sure you didn't enable or disable something else at the same time?
Do the opposite of what you did. I guess it's called Enabling Web Content on desktop now, but when it first came about it was called Active Desktop, same thing.
mine says something similar to "allow web content on Active Desktop" under the web tab, but my win2k is in spanish.

Be aware that if you disable it, you'll not be able to use jpgs or gifs as wallpapers.
Thanks guys... I was just checking to see if there was some other way I didn't know about. :)

I actually have background and screensaver set to none in properties and am only using web content and rainy day appearance.

I am running the "safe" configuration of this: