4-Day Thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
well, the entire family save one got together for Thanksgiving .. all my brothers and sisters and their kids (and in some cases, their grandkids) .. only my brothers 11 year-old daughter wasn't there - she spent the holiday with her mom ... *mumbling some curse-like thing under my breath*

so, because we were all there together for the first time in AGES, I decided to video tape short interviews with all my brothers and sisters and my mom .. and I put it together in a 30-minute video that I'm gonna give them for Christmas!

Just so you see how hard it is for all of us to come together on any given occassion, this is all of us, save one ... 4 generations of Garmons


the family-2.jpg, 201.21kb

hehehe ... two Turkeys, two hams .. and a bunch of other usuals .... rice .. potatoes .. stuffing ... salads .. pies, pies, pies... we even had enough for lunch the next day :D
nalani had me watch her video at work ... and made my cry ... now i'm all inspired to do that for my family ... damn, why do they have to live so far away? :(
Beautiful family!! :)

We took a family pic over the summer of my parents, my siblings, their spouses and their kids. I'm still trying to get my sister to develop it! :grumpy:
nalani said:
why can't I see the picture? :confuse3:
ku'u - I think I caught your "red X" thing!

i'm used to it already :( anyway, it's more fun imaginging what's supposed to be there (or at least, that's what i'm telling myself)
warning: crap UKian question

okay, so here's something i never quite understood... what is thanksgiving?

i mean, i can kinda guess from the name... but that probably doesn't really capture it properly...

any USians wanna to enlighten me?
In 1621, after a hard and devastating first year in the New World the Pilgrim's fall harvest was very successful and plentiful. There was corn, fruits, vegetables, along with fish which was packed in salt, and meat that was smoke cured over fires. They found they had enough food to put away for the winter.

The Pilgrims had beaten the odds. They built homes in the wilderness, they raised enough crops to keep them alive during the long coming winter, and they were at peace with their Indian neighbors. Their Governor, William Bradford, proclaimed a day of thanksgiving that was to be shared by all the colonists and the neighboring Native American Indians.

The custom of an annually celebrated thanksgiving, held after the harvest, continued through the years. During the American Revolution (late 1770's) a day of national thanksgiving was suggested by the Continental Congress.

In 1817 New York State adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual custom. By the middle of the 19th century many other states also celebrated a Thanksgiving Day. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln appointed a national day of thanksgiving. Since then each president has issued a Thanksgiving Day proclamation, usually designating the fourth Thursday of each November as the holiday.
Re: warning: crap UKian question

nambit said:
okay, so here's something i never quite understood... what is thanksgiving?

i mean, i can kinda guess from the name... but that probably doesn't really capture it properly...

any USians wanna to enlighten me?
Thanksgiving was a Christian holiday celebrated at the end of the fall to give thanks to God for a good harvest, food, and all that. Today it changed a bit I guess, but we still celebrate it that way. When everyone is sitting around the table, after the big meal, we take turns to say what we are thankful for. Its a moment of reflection... Looking into yourself to see what you have to be thankful for. The time spent with family and friends is just the best :) Lots of food, lots of games, lots of talking, lots of socializing... I like Thanksgiving more than any other holiday, even Christmas.
Re: warning: crap UKian question

Jerrek said:
Lots of food, lots of games, lots of talking, lots of socializing...

Excellent, sounds just like an evening down the pub, a night in a club, and a visit to the curry mile on the way home :)

and cheers for that, appriciate it
greenfreak said:
Beautiful family!! :)

We took a family pic over the summer of my parents, my siblings, their spouses and their kids. I'm still trying to get my sister to develop it! :grumpy:

Oh, gawd. I need to get to tell you about our Thanksgiving Day experience, and his attempt to take a picture of all the grandkids. I would tell the story, but I don't rant quite as well as he does, and he was more directly involved in the picture taking part.
some pics were on timer but some were taken by my eldest sister's new boyfriend ... she wanted him in the pic but you have to put in some serious years to be in the family picture ... *nod*
don't lie ... you guys just don't like in-laws ;)

whoever can find nalani first in that pic wins a prize :D
ku'u - to an extent, you're right ... you know how lucky you are that you were our friend before becoming our in-law :D

hobart - no fair :p ... plus, didn't you get your prize already? :D

Scanty - you're invited girl .. anytime :)