A-10 Tank Killers


New Member
Where I live, I'm a drunken Brit if it matters ;) , apart from the usual day and night training over my home by bombers, fighters, troop transports and helicopters I've seen and at night heard several A-10 Tank Killers. What's so unusaul about that ? Well it's very rare if ever A-10's train in my area of the UK. Hopefully our PM will remember that Saddam is a real threat and back any decision to take action now and not wait until it is too late to doing anything positive...I'm having a rant here and a beer :toast:
Thanks, I should have explained what an A-10 is :eek: :) What I was trying say though is that A-10's are such a rare sight here in my part of the UK it suggests that perhaps something 'Saddam' related is actually going to happen after weeks of indecision although it is still a delicate balance as to whether there will be enough support, especially in Europe, to actually get the job done once and for all...end of rant ;)
A BEAUTIFUL plane! :)

Just had to link this pic...OMG! What a beautiful sight! :)

I know A-10s back and forth. I was just wondering where the current deployment posts for it were. I knew of Germany, S Korea, and Alaska... I just didnt know about all of the National Guard units.
beermat, your part of the uk sounds like mine mate. lakenheath, mildenhall, watisham, honiton, carpets...??

i thought all the a-10's went aaaaages ago. and most of the usaf bases too.

when they were here my dad once got used for target practice while he was driving from work. scared the shite out of him :D
Uhhh...The F-117 is a bomber, not a fighter. No guns, and only 2 internal AAM's for defensive fire...It relies on it's radar signature to drop small, tactical bombs deep inside enemy territory.
Great benefit are the radar evading capabilities of the F-117, but the plane has horrible flight characteristics...

http://www.af.mil/news/factsheets/F_117A_Nighthawk.html for more info...it designated as a fighter/attack airplane...although i must agree with Gato...it's been used for bombing purposes, not for fighting other airplanes; it would NEVER win that battle...

A better fighter, with also stealth technology is the Northrop - McDonell Douglas YF-23
Too bad there were only 2 prototypes...:(

Even if you see it with the naked eye, the only way to down it is with guns...meaning dog-fight. Not something usually done in the dead of night.

The 'F' designation was made when the prototype was actually armed with a 20mm cannon, since removed because of it's radar-reflective properties.
Nothing beats the ol' SR-71 interceptor. Screeching in at mach 3 guns a-blazing... self destructing because the bullets are slower than the plane and eand up raining back unto itself. yippie!
That's why the Blackbird got shoved over to Recon duty... ;)

The YF23, for all it's hype, was basically the exact same thing as the YF-22 at the time.
The Air Force didn't like the 'tail-less' design, though. Sad, really.

Here's a pic of the winner...

The F-117 is classified as a fighter. That is a bit silly, but it is a fighter. ;) Beautiful plane though.

I'm not near Cardiff m8, but out in the hills near Borth, where the sun never sets and A-10's fly free...seems an old airforce base somewhere near Camarthen has been reopened hence the A-10's etc...I'm talking about Wales, UK in case anyone is wondering how many beers I've had and if this is another rant...I've had a few and it isn't :toast: Nice pics btw.
Gato_Solo said:
Even if you see it with the naked eye, the only way to down it is with guns...meaning dog-fight. Not something usually done in the dead of night.
Are you sure? I could swear I read in some place it generates IR signature...