A Dubya war glossary


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Allies. n. (sing.) Tony Blair.

Collateral damage. obs. The hapless schmucks that happen to be in the way when the US bombs civilian facilities or residential neighborhoods, When they do it to us, it is called "terrorism." No longer commonly used; such deaths are now ignored entirely. Other obsolete words and phrases include "Osama bin Laden," "Afghanistan," "budget surplus," "economy," "environment," "corporate scandals," "education," "civil liberties," "Constitution," "Guantanamo Bay," and "the end of the war."

Democracy. n. The ideal form of a political system--now used interchangeably with the economic system called "capitalism"--in which a handful of wealthy people with occasional minor policy differences take turns enriching their patrons and being elected by a citizenry that is allowed no other choices. E.g.: "We intend to turn Iraq into a democracy, just like the United States."
Disarm. vb. To blow to smithereens. E.g.: "Saddam Hussein's destruction of his missiles is an impediment to US plans to disarm Saddam Hussein."
Oil. n. Booty.