A new obsession...


New Member
So I think we all know that I have lots of plants... I started out with the obligatory Pothos Ivy, then Coleus got a hold of me... Next, I moved on to spider plants and most recently, African Violets.

But TODAY, I spent the most money I've ever spent on one plant. Today, I bought a Phal. Penang Queen X stuartiana:


Otherwise known as a Phal Orchid for $40.00. :eek:

These things are going to be a challenge, they're quite picky. Not that hard for an obsessive person like myself to take care of, but a challenge nonetheless. I also stopped off at Border's bookstore and bought a book on Orchids.

These things are freaky, I have to tell you. If taken care of right, this Orchid could outlive me. They have adapted to their environments in places like Brazil where they time their bloom with the height of bee pollenation. They're found all over the world in the most unlikely of climates.

Anyway, just wanted to share my new friend. Rusty said we have to name it, because it cost so much. :laugh: Any suggestions?


molṑn labé
Staff member
A flower that costs $40. had better feed & clean itself as well as the rest of us. Not my cup o' tea I suppose.


New Member
They require more work than your average flower in terms that they need a 'spritzing' every other day rather than any kind of real watering and a stable warmish house with a little humidity. They are tropical shallow rooted clingy vinish critters meant for the mossy ick in tree crotches in rainy areas. The rain comes and goes so constantly and drains off instantly that they don't need real roots. They look awesome and have a gazillion species.


New Member
Spot!!! Let's name it Spot. I like that name. And now that you've decided not to kill me, I think I should get a say :D


New Member
I'm sure it isn't everyone's cup o tea and yes it is expensive. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of people who don't see the point in spending that much money on one plant. Or who are at least unable to say something nice seeing that I'm so excited about my new plant. Mean.

Thankfully, I purchased one that requires the least amount of care to start out with. Like Unc said, there are tons of different kinds. I've read a bit on them already and last count there were over 100,000 species and counting. I could create my own hybrids at home if I wanted to. If I grow them from the seeds this flower creates, it takes 2-4 years for them to grow their first flower. That's a long time. Perhaps that's why they're so expensive, any flowering orchid you see took years of constant attention to produce.

It's the next step in gardening for me. I need a challenge, most of my plants take care of themselves at this point. It's hard to explain the satisfaction that you get from putting so much time and effort into something and reaping the rewards of it. It's my way of avoiding getting sucked into so much of the "instant gratification" these days.


New Member
Spot, huh? That's kinda cute actually. I'll take it under advisement. ;)

I forgot to mention, the reason why I allowed myself to buy this was because I consolidated my car loan and highest interest rate credit card into a new low APR card. I'm saving 5% interest per month on the old car loan and 10% interest on the old credit card. So now I pretty much own my car and will be saving quite a bit per month.

Go me! :dance:


New Member
Personally, I think it is a gorgeous flower....and I don't think $40.00 is a lot of money to spend on yourself, if you really enjoy something.

:trippin: WOOHOO on your consolidation!


New Member
Thanks guys. :)

Rusty reminded me that the plant was actually $30. because it was on sale. We saw them for less at Target but the quality wasn't as good. Probably from all the people touching it, making sure it was real. They look too perfect and strange to be real, you know?

I pulled my neck this morning so Rusty is doing everything for me today, doing the dishes, the laundry, he made us pancakes... I'm really getting pampered this weekend. :headbng2:


molṑn labé
Staff member
I am not mean. I just stated my opninion. Leave me alone & quit picking on me. *sulks* :D


New Member
Hey....can Boris come to MY house next weekend. I feel a stiff neck coming on and I like pancakes :D


New Member
He even offered to rub my neck for me later and went looking for the heating pad. I rarely need taking care of so when I do, he makes sure I don't lift a finger. He also took all the groceries in and put them away. He's so good to me. :)

But Q, next weekend is Valentine's Day. :crying3: I'll be staying at my friend's house the week afterwards, you can have him then. :D

Hey Gonz, be honest, you're mean and you know it. :smash: And you, a gardener of all people, I thought *you* would understand. But you really garden for neccessity, not for fun, right? Do you grow stuff besides veggies? I'm so bad, I don't eat them like I should. Wanna show me your cucumbers? ;)