a new way...


New Member
...to kill myself.

Sometimes between boring business conf. calls I sit around and think of new and unique ways to kill myself.

I'm not sure why....not like I'd do it...but anyway...

if I could pull one eye out of it's socket with a spoon and bring it around to the other eye still in the socket, assuming the optical nerve would stretch that far ( I think it does...5 cm if Im not mistaken) , would my brain explode?

If my one eye was looking RIGHT at the other, what would I "see"?

...yes..I think my brain would explode....


Crazy fuck.

Very interesting. Either business must be bad or you're just not cut out for that type of excitement.
madrin said:
If my one eye was looking RIGHT at the other, what would I "see"?

...yes..I think my brain would explode....



One eye... :confbang:
Since your brain would still be functioning on the assumption that your eyes are both looking at the same single item (stereoscopic interpretation)..
Arris, I agree...each eyes woudl think it was seeing the same thing but really they are seeing each other...:tardbang:
Whether or not Mads brain would explode or not I don't know... I think its worth trying though

* passes Nixy one of Mad's eyes :nuts:
Noo.... its still attached.. you can't eat that!
Doh... I just meant to pull it round to see his other eye.
Young people nowadays... they'll eat anything you give them..

* pauses to have rude thoughts :brow:
One eye...hmmm....now I'm thinking about it.....

which eye would see what? well..each eye would see an eye I guess, but one of my eyes has a distinctive defect in the iris which can be seen without the aid of magnification, and the other eye doesn't, so I wonder which eye I'd see? or both? ...at the same time?

....no, I like to think my brain would explode....

I dunno....

darn conference calls...

No hex..sometimes I just get REALLY bored between conf. calls...so in that respect I have a dangerous amount of time occasionally.

The radio program was great. I did it for about 6 months and then got all full of myself and decided I'd make a foray into FM....

sent my portfolio around, which included a grand total of 6 months of tapes of the only show I'd ever done...

..and expected they be lining up to give me contracts.

suffice to say they didn't, and in that time space someone else took my show...and the show sucks now which is OK by me...but I sorta wish I still had it. None the less, the biz I'm in now is sufficiently nifty to keep me interested....

...for now...


You would see a blurred composition of the two

Like when one eye needs glasses and the other doesn't. Looking through both doesn't look AS bad as only the bad eye but it doesn't look as good as only the good eye...
Nixy wrote:
You would see a blurred composition of the two. Like when one eye needs glasses and the other doesn't. Looking through both doesn't look AS bad as only the bad eye but it doesn't look as good as only the good eye...



OH man, not another poor sap that tried to pull his eye out to look at his own eye. When are they ever going to learn?