A Scary Leaf Storm


Staff member
My four year old is experiencing fall again for the first time, doesn't remember it from last year...today he was outside playing and the wind picked up a bit, he came in the house shrieking..."MOMMY! A LEAF STORM OUTSIDE! WE HAVE TO COME IN NOW!" :lol:

Try as I might, I couldn't persuade him otherwise...there were an excessive amount of leaves flying around...now he's got the idea stuck in his head that we must run for cover whenever the wind blows. :D
You have trees where you are? When I went across SK and AB I saw very little other than short needle pines. Broadleaf trees seemed rather rare halfway up Michigan and beyond.
Funny. I just found out why my three year old is afriad of sirens. She thought that firetrucks made fires and we had taught her to run from fire. So she'd always come running scared whenever she heard a siren. It took me a couple of days to convince her that firetrucks put out the fires.


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the bastich tree...

Hex, lol, I'm glad you convinced here...once they get an idea in their head, look out :eek:


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:lol: a few days ago, I was on the phone, noticed him in my candy...told him to leave it it's mine,

He says, "why do you get all the candy?"
I say, "Because I'm a greedy pig, so out of it."
He then says, "No, mommy, you're not a greedy pig, you're a nice pig!" :blank:

A pic of the side of my house from a year ago. The trees keep going around the back... so many... so tall.. such huge leaves.


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When my oldest daughter was 3, I used to rap on the wall. She'd look up from her toys, and run to the door, laughing. She was a hoot then. She caught on to that trick pretty fast, though...Once she learned the secret of the child-proof door-knobs... :laugh5:
Leslie said:
got a blower?
damn right. Not that it helps all that much. The slightest amount of rain makes em too heavy to push around. 2/3 of the time they have to be muscled with a rake.
Gato :p

how old is your daughter now? :D
That's funny with the wall, we played that too, as well as chase the flashlight beam when they were tiny :lol: