A socialists dream

University have many unneeded expenses when the goal is to deliver a degree. Give them sheds to study in. Make it affordable to everyone.

That's how socialism works.
Who said anything about free?

2007 story said:
There was some sign of price sensitivity amongst potential students in Wales. If they choose Welsh universities they will pay just £1,200 but if they opt for an English university they must pay the £3,000 charged by most institutions.

They do
so does wiki
Following an investigation into the future of universities, the July 1997 report of the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education,[1] chaired by the then Sir Ronald Dearing recommended the ending of universal free higher education, and that students should pay £1,000 towards the cost of their tuition fees, which would be recovered in the form of a graduate tax.

source is almost as questionable as DU.
Gonz said:
Originally Posted by 2007 story
There was some sign of price sensitivity amongst potential students in Wales. If they choose Welsh universities they will pay just £1,200 but if they opt for an English university they must pay the £3,000 charged by most institutions.

3 years ago
In Wales.
Nothing to do with the riots from 3 days ago in London.

...the July 1997...

13 years ago. Seriously?

Anything from, lets say, the past year about free educations?
gee, i guess i should feel guilty that i paid for my own undergrad and master's degree.

and doubly guilty that a big corporation funded my ph.d.

winky: chug it.
This level is also home to the wood of the socialists
stunted and gnarled trees with twisting branches and poisoned fruit.
At the time of final judgement, their bodies will hang from their branches.

the secret powers that be called off that whole final judgment thing.

they realized that the incremental lift it gave them in fear-mongering didn't come close to their ad budget.

even cletus figured out it was bullshit.
Sadly I believe you are correct
We can go on denying reality for as long as we please
It's part of the socialist dreamscape, you never have to wake up.
