A very nice website www.JTF.org

Oh man, it's just way to much of a beautiful day to bother with such a challenge Natalie!

Mockingbird - someone will always claim news bias because they don't agree with the report & someone else will always be ready to defend that report....it's the way things are :shrug:
mockingbird said:
Quote me something you think is biased and we'll argue it out.

Sorry, you'll have to find another playmate.

I found the site hateful and biased, and wouldn't want to dignify it by visiting it a second time. :sick:
Oh, I bet Gonz'd jump on this one. :s The site doesn't look so unbiased to me. For starters - you have religion, politics, and "news" all in one hard-to-navigate ammatuer laid-out site.
I tend to frown upon any site that screams out 'WE HAVE THE TRUTH ABOUT...' and follows it up with several exclamations. It usually is a 99.98% guarantee that it is anything but.
If you think it's unbiased, then you're too stupid to debate with. It can't put it any nicer than that. "Muslim Nazis" is one good example of the bias. Anytime editorializing shows up in hard news stories, there is no credibility. What I scanned through is full of editorializing.

Oh, then there's this gem:
jtf.org's open invitation to spam message boards said:
Post us on different message boards weekly!

Thanks to the many loyal JTF supporters who have been posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards, we have been getting thousands of new hits for our vital, exciting and historic web site.
We could get even more hits, however, if you posted us on different message boards weekly, instead of the same ones over and over again. We know that our supporters develop relationships, friendly or adversarial, with other posters on their favorite message boards, and there is nothing wrong with returning to a favorite board to engage in debate or to enjoy a friendly discussion. However, in addition to participation as a "regular" on the same message boards, it is extremely important to reach the widest audience possible by posting us on new and different boards.
There are literally tens of thousands of message boards in cyberspace, all with their loyal followings, and we urge our supporters to take advantage of that tremendous opportunity by seeking out new and different boards weekly. You will do a world of good, and truly become an army of one in the fight to save America, Israel and Western civilization.
My kind of site....don't mind the retards, most of 'em are Canadian :rofl2: