About cheaters...

Professur said:
If you know someone's is using you to cheat on someone else, not only are you a cheater too, you're a moron. Just my humble opinion.
You mean specifically using with the only purpose of cheating? Because most of the time, there are other reasons but the cheating itself...
Professur said:
Lacey, I think if you were to ask around, you'd find that noone plans to fool around. They'll say "it just happened" or " the next thing I knew".

Spontenaity is no excuse for moral facility.

:thumbup: very true prof

Gato_Solo said:
Cheating is most definitely not spontaneous. You aren't walking down the street and a sexual organ just suddenly appears on/in you. There is no excuse for it, no matter how it happens. There is a purpose behind it every time...whether it's to hurt your current love interest, or to gratify your own inflated ego, it doesn't 'just' happen.

i agree but sometimes too the cheater didnt realise what he/she was doing(drugs/alchol, bad influences etc) but for the most part i agree
freako104 said:
Professur said:
Lacey, I think if you were to ask around, you'd find that noone plans to fool around. They'll say "it just happened" or " the next thing I knew".

Spontenaity is no excuse for moral facility.

:thumbup: very true prof

Gato_Solo said:
Cheating is most definitely not spontaneous. You aren't walking down the street and a sexual organ just suddenly appears on/in you. There is no excuse for it, no matter how it happens. There is a purpose behind it every time...whether it's to hurt your current love interest, or to gratify your own inflated ego, it doesn't 'just' happen.

i agree but sometimes too the cheater didnt realise what he/she was doing(drugs/alchol, bad influences etc) but for the most part i agree

Alcohol and drugs are not an excuse, either. The thought has to be there to begin with.
Have to agree, I've always thought the "But Honey, I was Drunk" was a pretty lame ass excuse. Even when I was using pretty heavy, I still knew what I was doing in that area.
I think the desire has to be there

The alcohol and drugs may decrease inhibitions or something but the desire has to be there
AlladinSane said:
But one gets drunk willingly, so he is responsible for all of his acts...

oh i didnt say id hold him/her resposible for it just that some people will do it and regret it some keep doing it but most people i know wont ever do it.