"Acting sexy"


Well-Known Member
Not much of an upcry, more like a column or two every week in the darker pages of the newspapers... Noone really cares.
As for logic: Well... Our government is majorly fucked up on certain issues.


New Member

BeardofPants said:
Kawaii, isn't there an upcry at the moment, cos some dickarse rang up some radio-hotline, saying that there was nothing wrong with having sex with horses, and that he did it all the time? :alienhuh:

Oh, and what's the logic? They decriminalise homosexuality AND bestiality at the same time? Hmmmm.....

dear fucking god! the poor ponies! *faint*


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
As for story #1, that's what he gets for listening to 'Gangsta' rap, and taking it literally (Biyatch)...

As for story #2...that's just wierd...