Advice re: a wasps' nest


Well-Known Member
I've got a wasps' nest growing in my soffit/eaves in the frot of my house. I can't see the thing, so the most direct approach of closing the entrance and bombing the inside is right out. (Works great for nest in trees etc..I've used that method before)

I'm thinking about a wasp-bomb aerosol, but I'm not sure of it's effectiveness in an 'open' area.

Anyone have experience with this situation?
Kind of late in the season for a wasp nest. The cold will take care of them in due time then you have all winter to get the nest out.
I thought that it might, but they're very active this late in the season. It dropped to 2ºC last night and they're still humming this morning. At least it's not killer bees, eh.

I can afford to wait as long as they don't work their way into what passes for my attic.
If your attic is well sealed from the rest of the house, then wait until the first cold snap and bomb the attic...
It's pretty well sealed.. two ways to get in (so to speak). Trap doors on top of closets which I can use to poke my head and check for mold and/or leaks. I have to dismantle the shelves to get to the traps tho' - I can seal teh openings with tape and plastic and then bomb it. My main worry would be unseen leaks. Don't want to expose my kids to that crap.]Cil wasp spray[/url]

Leaves a residual which kills anything that walks over it. Accurate at over 10'. Wear rubber gloves and discard after use (in case of back spray) or simply wear a baggie over your hand. Spray directly where they exit and enter the soffit. Hose down area underneath to dilute any drips. Vapours will kill anything within an enclosed area behind it.

This is my common response, as I've a great deal of wasps in the vicinity. I've left one nest alone of recent, thanks to the very large black and yellow spider that's taken up residence immediately beneath it. He's doing a wonderful job of control.
catch them out during the daylight hours and put a lowgrade firecracker in the nest, lihgt it, and back off. Shouldnt hurt your house any but makes a mess out of the nest this late in the season they sholdnt have time to biuld back.
profs right.
I killed many in my barn last week, and couldn't get to some of them, but they got It. :D

Wasp/yellow jackets are real mean right now.

I use Hot Shot brand I think, but many with the residual stuff will work.
catch them out during the daylight hours and put a lowgrade firecracker in the nest, lihgt it, and back off. Shouldnt hurt your house any but makes a mess out of the nest this late in the season they sholdnt have time to biuld back.

He can't see the nest. But even if he could, that idea wouldn't work. I'll wager it's the same type I've got, that build an open honeycomb style nest, not a closed bike. Looks like a fugii up in the rafters if you don't see the movement.
...another couple of nights like the one we had last night and I'll be able to check personally. Fricken' chilly... 1st day of Autumn
Got another a more pain in the ass area...right under my veranda. Bought some Raid wasps killer stuff, which I should be able to try out in the next few soon as I can get under there with a nice flashlight, after nightfall
Got another a more pain in the ass area...right under my veranda. Bought some Raid wasps killer stuff, which I should be able to try out in the next few soon as I can get under there with a nice flashlight, after nightfall

If it's exposed, I use high ammonia Windex. Far less toxic ... to humans. Gets into their airsacs and leaves them ... a little short of breath for a long time. It'll also drop them in mid air if they're bothering you, without the fear of spraying nerve agent everywhere. Air freshener (aerosol) works well too, as does hairspray.
Too late, but I'll keep the advice for another day.

Soaked the nest (A half-ball roughly 1' in diameter and 1 1/2' thick) last night once the sun went down. This morning, the nest is motionless and there are no wasps moving around the outside nor flying in the area.

I'll wait for another day or so before removing it.
What do they make it out of? That looks like the insulation that goes between the carpet and the floor in a car.
??? Usually there are two types of wasps that build nests in the open.Paper wasps and Mud daubers. Paper wasps are group insects. Mud daubers are solitary. As he sees more than one flying about at the same time, I'd lean towards paper wasps. ;)