All been asked before but...


New Member
Why do women have such shit taste in men?

I mean I know I've got good taste in women I know what I want in a person, and I mean more than just double Ds.

I've been giving this a lot of thought and I've been going through past life experiences that have repeatedly thought me this lesson.

Case in point, when I was still in High School I asks a friend of many years out, the long and short of it is that she said no. A few months later she came to inform me, delirious with delight, that she had found "the love of her life" (whoopee) When I met mister luva luva I was sadly shocked. Now not to be mean, but this kid was given some serious abuse with the ugly stick and had the character and mental agility of a boiled potato. When I asked her what she saw she said that he had a, and I quote, "quite macilinity".:confused3: WTF is that? Needless to say about a month down the line she was moping about all the afore mentioned problems.

That wasn't the first or the last time this had happened. I'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong with me. Do I give off some kind of anti-relationship mojo or something. Now, in all honestly, I'll be the fist to admit that I'm no Mister Universe and my wit can at times be as dull as the Queens stockings but compared to most me in South Africa men I’m gold! What am I doing wrong? I've tried been direct, been sly, been mucho (as best I can at least), been caring, and hell even been *gasp* myself. But to no avail. It seems that type of women I like doesn’t like me.

Now this problem doesn’t seem to be localised to me. Many if not most of my guy friends have either experience this or something like it. Are we all being delusional or is there a real problem that women go for these assholes that just make them come crying back to their friends time and time again.

Sorry for this turning into a mope post guys

/me feels sorry for self
Who knows?... All of their surveys and tests show that they are looking for a man who is funny, sensitive, able to hold an intelligent conversation, etc,etc,...Then, at the end of the night, they ride off with some fat fuck with foodstains in his unkempt beard...go figure.
Fire*Star said:
when I was still in High School

There's your first answer. To someone who is growing up and just beginning to date and figure out what relationships are like, it's bound to happen. I'd like to think that the older you get, the more mature women you're going to meet. But even then, there are soooo many out there who either have bad taste, are shallow, don't know what they want, know what they want but can't get it so they string guys along, want a 'bad boy' that will treat them like crap or just have some twisted agenda of screwing with men's minds.

Then there are ladies who are mature, who will treat you as you deserve, adore you and love you as much as you love her. And she'll probably be married already. ;)

I shudder to think of the people out there who 'settle' for less than they want or deserve because they can't find someone who's good enough. I wish you luck. It will probably take a while and more than a little heartbreak to find her. I sincerely hope you do. :)
Hmmm.. I think you have a point there, but all in all, I think that it can all be boiled down to, ... dating. It's all a series of trial and error. Sure you're going to get those people that you 'click' with, but the only time that you really go "click clank clonk" and it's a keeper, by that time, you're happily married :D

But back to more our age scenario, well, the chances of ACTUALLY finding the love of your life at this age is slim, and for those of you that have done so, congrats, but you're one in five million.

The point of love lifes now, is to go out and have fun dating. If you don't wanna worry yourself with that dating rubbish, just have fun! No point in getting grey hairs for nothing :p

:hug: chin up Fire*Star, not all is lost.

TO end off...
A lesson I have learnt, the hard way:

Everything you want, is not everything you need.
I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for you. If you had good taste in women you would've proposed to Vortex already. :blank:
what they want...

My conclusion is that women want a guy who can make them feel a certain way... and those tough guy jerks can give them the feelings they want.

It's all about feelings for the ladies, all about it. Us chaps are wired differently which is why some female behaviour seems so irrational.

If you wanna get the girl you gotta work out how she wants to feel (and most girls are kinda similar as far as that goes), and create the right states within her... work out what it is that the other dude can make her feel and create that feeling inside her...
Squiggy said:
Who knows?... All of their surveys and tests show that they are looking for a man who is funny, sensitive, able to hold an intelligent conversation, etc,etc,...Then, at the end of the night, they ride off with some fat fuck with foodstains in his unkempt beard...go figure.
Exctly! They don't seem to know/show what they really want. I guess it's because most women rely purely on their feelings. I would ask most guys I know why they're with the women they are and they would answer me in a logical way, giving some reasons they are dating those. For my female friends the answer would simply be "I like/love him". When you don't know what you search on a person you happen to be attracted by the wrong people...
I don't know. I've got an Ex Sister-In-Law that has picked some pretty bad guys. Her first Husband beat her until she got sent to the hospital, her second killed himself, and her current one won't work, at least that's the last I've heard. She's not an ugly woman, or a stupid woman, she just picks guys that are not metally stable for some reason.
Ardsgaine said:
I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for you. If you had good taste in women you would've proposed to Vortex already. :blank:
GACK! :eek: Don't you go putting ideas in his head! ;)
samcurry said:
vortex is mine.. hehe
Since when??
sometimes its low self esteem or depression and the guy takes advantage of it cause a lot of the girls i know got into a relationship with a good guy and some didnt and same with the guys.
freako104 said:
sometimes its low self esteem or depression and the guy takes advantage of it...
Maybe you have a point here, I know some cases where the girls were going thru a bad time and fell for the claws of some opportunist...
AlladinSane said:
freako104 said:
sometimes its low self esteem or depression and the guy takes advantage of it...
Maybe you have a point here, I know some cases where the girls were going thru a bad time and fell for the claws of some opportunist...

I think most women want a man who is self-assertive. When a guy is overly nice to them, they think he's just a welcome mat waiting for a girl to wipe her feet on him. They don't want to be that girl. They don't want to be with a man who won't stand up for himself and go after what he wants.

Unfortunately, they also confuse boorishness with self-confidence. When a guy treats them like shit, they think 'here's a guy who won't let people walk all over him,' and he's the one who gets their respect.
Squiggy said:
Who knows?... All of their surveys and tests show that they are looking for a man who is funny, sensitive, able to hold an intelligent conversation, etc,etc,...Then, at the end of the night, they ride off with some fat fuck with foodstains in his unkempt beard...go figure.
Theres no food in me beard ... perhaps that is the missing element.
Ardsgaine said:
AlladinSane said:
freako104 said:
sometimes its low self esteem or depression and the guy takes advantage of it...
Maybe you have a point here, I know some cases where the girls were going thru a bad time and fell for the claws of some opportunist...

I think most women want a man who is self-assertive. When a guy is overly nice to them, they think he's just a welcome mat waiting for a girl to wipe her feet on him. They don't want to be that girl. They don't want to be with a man who won't stand up for himself and go after what he wants.

Unfortunately, they also confuse boorishness with self-confidence. When a guy treats them like shit, they think 'here's a guy who won't let people walk all over him,' and he's the one who gets their respect.

that is true that they want someone self assertive, but some like i said may confuse self assertive with complete asshole. a girl ive been hanging out with from time to time her ex was great to her at first but became an asshole. she also wants someone self assertive but wants to be treated with respect.