And so it ends...


After 3 major arguments in 4 days, I had my oldest and his wench removed by the police today...I know most of you will be proud of me but I gotta tell you, I feel like fried shit....Seems to confirm failure where I had been holding out hope. Needless to say, I'm not in much of a posting mood...I'm worried about the younger one who seemed pissed at the world...and me for doing that to his brother. I've not heard from him yet...I'm sure theres more to come tomorrow when they come for belongings.
crap, sorry to hear that, squiggy, maybe given a little time working it out for himself he'll learn to appreciate what you've done for him better.
Parenthood sucks. Keep reminding yourself that he will be better for it (or go down in flames on his own).

Hope it gets better.

It's all for the best, just keep telling yourself that.
Hopefully in future, he'll see the good you did for him :)
I don't agree with late teens early twenties kids living at home, they have to grow up and take responsibility for themselves sometime... it makes them appreciate what they had and personally I found I became better friends with my parents over time when I no longer had to live by their rules.

If he was waving a wrench at you then don't feel bad about having him removed... he has to learn that violence solves nothing, just causes more problems.
I thought he said wrench too but he actually said 'wench' probably as in his girlfriend?

Squiggy, I hope it all works out for the best, even if none of you think this is best right now. And yes, I am proud of you. And yes, I know it must feel like shit. But in the long run, you probably did him (and yourself) a huge favor. Now is the time you have to be REALLY strong and not go back on what you said and let him back. That will just serve to give him a message that it's ok to walk all over you. :hug: Be strong. :)
greenfreak said:
Squiggy, I hope it all works out for the best, even if none of you think this is best right now. And yes, I am proud of you. And yes, I know it must feel like shit. But in the long run, you probably did him (and yourself) a huge favor. Now is the time you have to be REALLY strong and not go back on what you said and let him back. That will just serve to give him a message that it's ok to walk all over you. :hug: Be strong. :)
YES! you did a good thing, Joe :hug:
Yes you did. No matter who it is, there is only so much you can take from a person. I think it's time to make the boy grow up, even if he doesn't think so. Stay strong Joe.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I know it had to happen and should've happened long ago. It still feels ugly but I'm sure that will subside. Now, I have to hope that his mother and others make HIM deal with it instead of bailing him out...I'm focusing on the younger one who seems to have been taken by surprise that I actually did it. Hes dazed and confused right now (as am I) so I need to make him understand the why.
I applaud you. What you did must have been really hard on you. Take heart...after the bitterness comes the pain and after the pain there is no where to go but love.
So...He stops in to pick up some things and says to me "This didn't have to happen like this. Why can't you just understand that I have a god complex and let me run things?"


So I had to tell him...." I don't believe in god...."
:rofl: God Complex? God Complex? Oh man, that's rich.

I have to give him a point for originality, however I doubt he thought it was humorous.
Two things...

Firstly, way to go Squiggs! I am proud of you. It'll be the best for him in the end :hug:


Auntie said:
I don't agree with late teens early twenties kids living at home, they have to grow up and take responsibility for themselves sometime...

I don't agree with this. I am 19 going on 20 and I live at home for 4 straight months of the year and many many many weekends for the rest of the year. I go to school, I work, I help out around the house. Until someone gets ridiculously old it doesn't matter if they're 18 or 25 if they are respectful and TRYING to do something to benefit them in the future while living at home I see nothign wrong with it.
Squiggy said:
Hes dazed and confused right now (as am I) so I need to make him understand the why.

Then the lesson may not go unheeded.

Nixy said:
while living at home I see nothign wrong with it.

That's because you're one of them :D
:cuss: Just found out his mom is paying for a motel room for them till they find a place...I hope he runs her broke. Maybe then she'll understand.

greenfreak said:
I thought he said wrench too but he actually said 'wench' probably as in his girlfriend? :)

Hmmm.... waving a wench eh? I don't mean to make light of a difficult situation but that does conjure up some very funny pictures.... :lol:
Nixy said:
I don't agree with this. I am 19 going on 20 and I live at home for 4 straight months of the year and many many many weekends for the rest of the year. I go to school, I work, I help out around the house. Until someone gets ridiculously old it doesn't matter if they're 18 or 25 if they are respectful and TRYING to do something to benefit them in the future while living at home I see nothign wrong with it.
It's nice to hear from someone who wants to make something of themselves and is prepared to work to get it... sadly there are a lot of kids who just want to doss and do nothing to improve their situation while their parents keep them in life's luxuries. I suspect the welfare culture over here has a lot to do with it also... so I don't entirely blame the kids, but if the only way to get them to get out there and do something with their lives is a harsh dose of the reality of living on the breadline... then so be it.

Tough love I think they call it.
Whoops! Looks like my popularity took a dive on that one.... :D :lol:

Speaking of which... my niece Kayliegh finally decided she would like to see her sister and myself after all, so we've been summoned to appear for coffee at "the house" at 10am tomorrow... I'm just wondring what revelations brought this on...??? ;)