And you will each get a lovely brown shirt!


Well-Known Member
It seems that the indoctrination is over and the real work begins. Energy snitches are now the rage at the EPA.


EPA Celebrates ‘Children Health Month,’ Encourages Recruiting Students for ‘Energy Patrols’ at School

By Penny Starr
October 5, 2012
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Children (Courtesy of EPA website)
( – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is celebrating Children’s Health Month this October by providing information and health tips on its website, including the importance of energy efficiency in schools.

On the website page is a link to a 26-page EPA report entitled, “Sensible Steps to Healthier School Environment.” In the report’s chapter on Energy Efficiency, the EPA presents a box with items to help establish “Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Schools.”

One of the items in the box reads, “Educate students and staff about how their behaviors affect energy use. Some schools have created student energy patrols to monitor and inform others when energy is wasted.

For example, the Arizona Public School’s website provides information for setting up energy patrols. The website states “emphasize social action through environmental education gives students a chance to do something about environmental problems instead of just hearing about them.”

The APS website says that patrol members can be provided with ID tags, vests and clipboards. Their responsibilities include leaving reminders to better conserve energy in rooms they find that have the lights on but are unoccupied.

In Alabama schools, the energy patrols are described as groups of 10 to 20 students who are tasked with monitoring the school’s energy use.

“When lights are found on unnecessarily, they are quickly turned off,” the website states.

“Periodically, thermostats are also checked to see that they stay at an energy saving 70 in the winter and 78 in the summer. All windows and doors will be noticed for efficient solar energy usage and all water leaks will be reported. Door hangers are left as reminders to do better and to provide encouragement or praise.

The EPA report connects energy efficiency and children’s health by way of “greenhouse gas emissions.”

“By being more energy efficient, schools can save money and prevent greenhouse gas emissions,” the report states. “School districts can use the savings from improved energy performance to help pay for building improvements and other upgrades that enhance the learning environment.”

The report states that the more than 17,000 public schools in the United States “spend more than $8 billion annually on energy — more than is spent on computers and textbooks combined.”

Other issues addressed in the EPA report include asthma and asthma triggers, buses and vehicle idling, toxins such as lead and mercury and pesticides and pest management.

The report’s subtitle states the contents provide “cost-effective, affordable measures to protect the health of students and staff.”


molṑn labé
Staff member
energy efficiency & childrens health...yep, those go together like SAE 40 & toast


yes jim this is all part of a systematic plan, elaborated through the children, to keep you away from elementary schools er to teach kids not to waste shit. gee, i had some lessons in not wasting shit when i was a kid too. pretty sure mom and dad were not eco-terrorists.

of course you are joking about the brown shirt thing.



Well-Known Member
Try and think for a moment about all the useless government employees.
This is but one example of government providing a service that no one wants, needs
nor would willingly purchase with their own money in a free market.
Does the Federal department of education, educate even one child?
If you think doing away with the affordable care act is a campaign promise we can afford
to allow Obamney to renege on you are so messed up in the head that there is no hope for you
and you should be killed!


Well-Known Member
That was the fully expected response. You are soooo predictable. I throw out the bait and you go "Chomp" -- hook line and sinker.


Well-Known Member
Would that not be a solution to a problem that does not exist?
Exactly like what the EPA's energy patrols would resolve?
Tell me how an energy patrol would generate a single kilowatt of energy
or extract a single barrel of oil? Yes It is pastime we did away with that department
along with the Department (ministry?) of Energy, help me out here with a link to a
website that shows the yearly energy production of the ministry of Energy.
Oh look I found one:


Would that not be a solution to a problem that does not exist?
Exactly like what the EPA's energy patrols would resolve?
Tell me how an energy patrol would generate a single kilowatt of energy
or extract a single barrel of oil?

cool. at what age may we start assessing performance metrics and demanding ROI from children?


Well-Known Member
An excellent idea! Base the continuation of government bureaucracies on their return on investments.
There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is power to crack down on criminals.
Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things a crime
that it becomes impossible to live without breaking laws.
-Ayn Rand


Well-Known Member
if a kid is going to produce in a blue collar job he'd prolly be between 18~21
heck my child is going to be 27 when he finally starts that entry level six figure job!