

Staff member
Yesterday morning I got the good laptop back (they took it away and gave me a crappy one about 2 weeks ago) then they came and took it away again yesterday afternoon! They wanted to give me the crappy laptop but it will not run the new Oracle system we have just started using. So, now I have a REAGULAR computer! :(

Stupid hot computer guy always taking away my laptop!
Eric woudl look at me uncomfortably and say "I'll be right back". He would go and tell lawerence (his boss) and Lawerence (who is big and scary) would come and take it away.

I'm only here for the summer so I really don't have any power.
Nix, you are a woman. You always have power, even if you are only there for a couple days.
yes, I have the power to stop Eric form taking it but Lawerence woudl just come and take it then!
Also, I made him get me a computer than can run Oracle atleast! He wanted to give me the OLD laptop. Instead he had to go and carry a desktop across the office.
That kind of stuff happens around here too. The important people get the good stuff while the temps or lower end people get the crap.

To me, it all depends on what you're going to use it for. If they only use it for one little app, they aren't getting a brand new P4 with 256mb of ram. Unless, of course, you're the boss and you take it forcefully from me. :D
Greenie: It's not one little App. It's the program in which all of our transactions take place. All orders, production data, accounting information, costing for products, etc are entered it.
greenfreak said:
That kind of stuff happens around here too. The important people get the good stuff while the temps or lower end people get the crap.

The crappy thing about it is that the so-called important people don't know how to use the good stuff ... what a big waste!! They use the good stuff to run basic word processing ... and I get the crap, which shuts down a million times a day *gr* :grumpy:
Nixy said:
Greenie: It's not one little App. It's the program in which all of our transactions take place. All orders, production data, accounting information, costing for products, etc are entered it.

I wasn't referring to you Nixy :) Please don't bitchslap me! :D

We have an app here called Citrix which is basically just a portal to our network. Once you log into Citrix, then you have access to all the applications on our remote servers. So many of our users only use that program and nothing else. In those cases, they don't get the speed machines. We try to reserve those for the people who use programs like what you're talking about-the really intensive ones that suck up resources.

But then you have the people who have the power to order things themselves and they get the DVD players and the fastest processors, 512mb of ram... Just because they can. That makes me a little :grumpy: sometimes.
I see that here where I work too, our boss uses Email only, and he's got a brand new 2 ghz proc, 512 Ram, DVD, the whole works, while people that actually have to run 10 programs at once still have a 300Mhz pentium 2. Like me. :(
Then there's my boss who took a Dell laptop which had just come out of it's three year warranty home with him. Told me to "forget it ever existed". That drove me apeshit. :mad2:
Is he the highest in your company Greenie? Is there anyone higher than him at all?
greenfreak said:
Then there's my boss who took a Dell laptop which had just come out of it's three year warranty home with him. Told me to "forget it ever existed". That drove me apeshit. :mad2:

Oh yeah, that'd piss me off. We're in the middle of an inventory of our IT dept now, so far missing 5 laptops.
We just did a company wide inventory, that's one of the reasons I was away from the boards so long.

There's one who is higher than him who just took off on a 15 month project somewhere else. I had a thread somewhere at jjr's when it happened. I'll see if I can find it. It was a while ago.
ok, not so angry anymore. my lappy i was using was P3 450MHZ 256mb ram

this machine i just found out P4 1.5GHZ 256MB RAM! w00t!