Anime - Part deux


New Member
Terahertz said:
I'm curious, does anyone in this thread actually purchase their anime legally instead of downloading it without owning it? If my suspicions are correct, the answer to this question would mean this thread is in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy, available here. Please continue the thread without any AUP violations, or it will need to be locked. Thanks.

The answer is yes. Some of us (or perhaps only one) obtain our anime, software and music by legal means.
for sure, i'm not an anime fan but I do obtain things legally. When I read that thread something rubbed me wrong but I wasn't sure what. I don't like a generalization being applied to any group, especially by an admin. Warn people to watch their tongue, lock the thread, but remember what happens when you assume
I think the locking of that thread was a bit too harsh, myself. I didn't see any violations of the AUP, but hey, maybe you know more about it than I do, after all, I'm only the guy who wrote it. :rolleyes:
yup, we're creeping about. at risk of this thread degenerating RW style, i'll rehash what i've said before. i think there is a great deal of potential in P2P, the media moguls are trying to prop up a fading dynasty the fate of which they've caused through their greed. it's the responsibility of consumers to play by the rules but Hollywood needs to provide a quality product at a fair price too. these requirements must both be fulfilled for the system to work. when the industry starts making music and movies worth their price i'll start buying new music again, until then secondhand is my friend.
I'm surprised that he went so far in the first place, I mean it's not like every single anime series out there is licensed and illegal for redistribution...
All my anime is legally acquired as are my mp3s. I wouldn't dream of getting them any other way. :)

In fact there are moves afoot to release chart singles over here on the internet for download before they hit the shops, at less than £1.00 each. :)

The site I use, you pay for access for a certain length of time and basically can download as many songs as you want during that time. I just wait until they have a reasonable numbers of the ones I want then pay for access. One happy customer and some happy musicians.
That's one of the biggest attractions behind P2P, that you can get one or two tracks and if you like, you go buy the CD. That's what most people do. But the media charges so much for the CD and you get a bunch of fluff you don't want... it's much more sensible to release single tracks (in say, memory stick form or something)
You get to listen to the tracks before you buy as well, so you only buy what you like.

A lot of times I've bought CDs and found that there's really only 2 or 3 tracks that I like. It puts me off buying.

I do use P2P but not very often and usually just so that I can see the videos to the songs I already own and that haven't been released over here. It's very frustrating liking non-mainstream artists... If they were available to buy then I would, or if they were shown on TV here I'd video them myself, but they never are. :(

I sometimes get to see them on, but usually the quality is dreadful! I really wish the music companies would put out more CDs with the CD Extra videos on them, it would save a lot of time and hassle.
Re: Music..I'd rather find a company that will create the CD for me, with the songs I want on it and bill me per song...THAT, I'd pay for.

I agree that more than half the songs on any one CD sucks...there are a few exceptions, but they are few and far between.

As for Animé, There's an Animé store that rents and sells not ten mins from my house. I rent a lot, buy what is worth viewing again.
MrBishop said:
Re: Music..I'd rather find a company that will create the CD for me, with the songs I want on it and bill me per song...THAT, I'd pay for.

I saw that a few years ago. You picked out the songs you want and the track order and such and they sent you a custom CD. Subtotal per cd was somewhere around $26 (+s/h). You can see why they didn't last. ;)
Re: Music and software

As mentioned, I follow the law where these are concerned. That said, I don't like the current setup at all. In both cases, you have to buy material "sight unseen" as it were, oftentimes with no option to take it back if you don't like it. At least with a movie, you can rent it first.

For me, it would be like if you went to buy clothes and you didn't get to actually see them first. All you got was a box that gave you the size, the general style, and the color - maybe a little picture on the front. And if you bought it, that was it, you were stuck with it whether it fit or not, whether you actually liked it or not.

It seems kind of silly to me to expect people to buy merchandise of anykind sight unseen.
Janimal said:
Re: Music and software

As mentioned, I follow the law where these are concerned. That said, I don't like the current setup at all. In both cases, you have to buy material "sight unseen" as it were, oftentimes with no option to take it back if you don't like it. At least with a movie, you can rent it first.

For me, it would be like if you went to buy clothes and you didn't get to actually see them first. All you got was a box that gave you the size, the general style, and the color - maybe a little picture on the front. And if you bought it, that was it, you were stuck with it whether it fit or not, whether you actually liked it or not.

It seems kind of silly to me to expect people to buy merchandise of anykind sight unseen.

Hmmmm....maybe more like getting a sleeve or something to try on, instead of the entire shirt. There is radio to listen to one/some song(s) before you buy the entire CD but you're right, one song is most often not a representative sample of the CD.

Interesting thread. But I've got a question. We've all recorded songs off the radio. I've never heard of that being attacked as illegal, since there's a degeneration of quality involved.

Well, what if you listen to a public radio station over the internet, and record that as an mp3. Is that illegal?
Professur said:
since there's a degeneration of quality involved

If that's the case then all my 128kbs MP3's should be fine too. It's not cd quality.