Annual rant time...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
I've come to realize what I've thought all along. We kill ourselves everyday
jumping through flaming hurtles just to have more and more lit before us to
jump through. We are the unappreciated and mistreated. We work for the
malicious, maniacal, unforgiving, and sadistic. We fall on our own swords
when we're told for "Service over self". Just to watch others bask in the
joys of not following suit while making jokes about it.
We are hated by all, liked by few and are ostracized by everyone everywhere
we go. People shun from us for who we are and what we do. Tired and weary we
still stand with dignity and integrity when called upon to face the forces
of evil. We are sleep deprived and hungry most of the time. We work long
shifts to keep the missions flying. We have sent bombs and bullets to kill
terrorist as well as blood shipments to save a life of a wounded American.
Far too many times with watery eyes we have helped a fallen American return
home to their loved ones with Honor for burial either in a black bag or in a
silver transfer case. We are found everywhere from the flight line pushing
pallets to the convoy line with guns up moving supplies. We never see our
loved ones, and are treated as strangers when we do. Our families support us
through letters and packages. We cannot give answers to all their questions.
Our letters and e-mails cannot give details of what is going on. We only
talk about the weather and the food. "For you cannot go where I have been,
You cannot see what I have seen, You cannot be told of what I've done, and
you will never understand why we do what we do.I'm a 2T2.IT'S CLASSIFIED" J.

Friendship and trust are our most prized possessions. Our friends are spread
out in every country in the world. Some we'll never see again once we part
ways. Others have passed on and are only alive in pictures and in our
hearts. We watch our children grow up in pictures. Our families grow up and
older in our absences. Love is only a brief figment in our lives. Most leave
us while we are gone. We only have a dream of finding love. And the ones
that have hope to keep it alive until they can return home. Our wives bear
the brunt of our time away with children and bills. And the teary phone
calls to us in a far away land missing us and wanting us to come home. Our
tears go unseen in the darkness or are dried away in the sand on our faces.
This is what we do. We are the thankless warriors..We are 2T2s.