another dumb things kids do...

those are the scary ones...they look so sweet, you go in for a snuggle, and WHAMMO!!! :eek5:
gf said:
A month later, I opened up the microwave and there it was. Didn't look very good at that point!

You went a month without using your microwave?! :eek:

Prof said:
Or when V2.0 decided it's time something was done with my hair. Or when V3.0 tries to close the door behind me when I'm letting the dog out.

OMG! ROFLMAO! That is SO SO cute!
I got as close I could get to having kids when I lived with my sister and brother in law years ago. My brother in law worked days and my sister worked nights. So when I got home, she and I did a tag team and she would hand off the kids to me. I was alone with them for a couple of hours, and my brother in law would come home and we cared for them together. I was constanly worried about them falling and hitting their little heads (Lex was 3 and DJ was 2) or choking or something and I never relaxed until they were asleep. And even then there were the nightmares, and the time DJ wedged his head between the bed and the toy chest but just sat there, not crying, trying to be a good boy like I told him. I don't know how long he was there but it broke my heart to see him like that.

you would make an awesome mom
Thanks HH :) I don't know about that but what I do know is that I'm an awesome Aunt Tiesha. :D

Prof, that's a great pic. One child sleeping is adorable but when they sleep together, or when they show so much love for their sibling, I really love that.

Nixy, yes actually I did. I was getting ready to move back to NY at that point and my last month there, I was spending every minute with my (ex) bf, we knew we would never see each other again. I opened the microwave the night before I left. It was really rank! I just threw the whole thing away.
Saturday night we had the poker game here. During a break Steve was working on Rob's computer and Marlowe strolls up and sees the endlessly slow loading page and goes:
"It really pisses me off when my computer does that"
Steve - "It what?"
Mar - "Oh right...I'm not suppose to say that"
Saturday night we had the poker game here. During a break Steve was working on Rob's computer and Marlowe strolls up and sees the endlessly slow loading page and goes:
"It really pisses me off when my computer does that"
Steve - "It what?"
Mar - "Oh right...I'm not suppose to say that"

She also thinks the word weener is the funniest word in the english language. She insist that everyone has one because she just likes to say it. Weener, weener, weener.