Any word on the shoutbox?

[sarcasm] I always found the term "shoutbox" to be offensive anyway. I mean, why would we set up a place specifically to shout, thereby encouraging aggressive speech and free-flowing testosterone and who knows what other scary stuff? I think we should instead have a Multi-Cultural Dialogue Coffee Shoppe. That way we could engage in the freeflow of exchanging ideas in a nurturing, nonthreatening environment that promotes a more harmonious atmosphere for the diverse participants of this forum...[/sarcasm]

[choking and gasping]
If it could show only the last hour or so in the active members it would be great.
[sarcasm] I always found the term "shoutbox" to be offensive anyway. I mean, why would we set up a place specifically to shout, thereby encouraging aggressive speech and free-flowing testosterone and who knows what other scary stuff? I think we should instead have a Multi-Cultural Dialogue Coffee Shoppe. That way we could engage in the freeflow of exchanging ideas in a nurturing, nonthreatening environment that promotes a more harmonious atmosphere for the diverse participants of this forum...[/sarcasm]

[choking and gasping]

it's down cause peopel fly the conferate (battle) flag, don't ya know.

(also sarcasm)
Well, atleast then we know the site is down for a good reason and not cause it exploded...for a min I thought you were fixing it :p

Great minds. I'd seen Sam in just before it went offline. Sorry Sam. We really should have more faith.

So fluffy managed to squeeze a little time out of his babe laden schedule for the people who got him through puberty? any chance of him posting?
hey you guys got about as much faith in me as i do in myself at times.
But we survived yet another upgrade with little casualties.
Ill be doing some more mods soon. :)
Hi guys.

Long time no see :beerbang:

So where do I start?

Full time know about that one... (Costs me $50+ a week for the gas :( )

Full time school.. you know about that one too :hmm:

Babes? I'm not that lucky. :mope:

Sleep? What's that?

For a few months I did not have a way to get internet access at home. Recently a couple more routers popped up with unsecured wireless access. But now I am going to try and get my own internet connection so I don't have to hope & pray that somebody in the vicinity with a router is either dumb or generous.

Lots of bills. LOTS of bills. I ran up a bunch of credit cards when I wasn't making so much money, so now I'm in, uhh roughly $5,000+ of credit card debt. I applied for some educational loans to take care of the high interest CC bills and defer the payment until I'm in a better position to be able to pay those (i.e. after I graduate and work somewhere where I don't have to drive so much). For the rent/utility bills, I make enough money each month to pay those. And I have plenty of ramen noodles. :D So once my credit card bills are taken care of by the educational loans, I will actually be able to afford important stuff like laundry detergent and toilet paper and food that tastes better than the box it came in.

Actually the ramen noodles are pretty tasty, but get kind of old when you're on them for 3 months.
Jeez, fluff, it took me a girlfriend and a wife to rack up that kinda debt. Weren't you making some money off that game you built?

and you gotta do better than those fucking noodles. All those raw carbs with no protien will kill ya.

$50 a week is insane. What the hell are you driving that costs that much? My van didn't cost that much, and I was spending 8 hours a week in traffic, over 20 miles total.
Was, but the online ad industry doesn't really like the way games like mine operate (a small collection of users viewing several thousand pages per day). I maybe make $50/mo off of the ads on it now because all the new ones, the ones I think are gonna solve all my problems with the money they send me, keep cancelling my ad account after a month or two.

I've been trying to compensate for that by selling the use of the hardware off, but I've only gotten one customer so far. (One potential customer as well) Of course, then there's also the fact that it keeps going down for some reason. I can't figure it out, and the host has replaced several pieces of hardware in it.

I downsized the configuration to something that cost almost half as much starting about 5 months ago. It's two servers now instead of one, but the two servers have half as much RAM and only one processor each compared to the two on the old one.

I know ramen noodles aren't the best source of nutrition, but I don't have a lot of money. Meat's a lot more expensive than noodles.

Driving one hour to work and one hour back. My car gets 18-25 mpg, and it's a 50 mile round trip every day