Anyone else...

Oh but the Turd Blossum certainly got a pass when it comes to leaking information of a sensitive nature. Oh wait, I forgot he belongs to the right, where the rules don't apply because of them standing for all that is right and true and shit....

What the hell was I thinking!


Well-Known Member
Would go to prison for being so stupid.

But not Feinstein. She is a card carrying member of the peoples party, so all is overlooked. This is why security briefs should never be given to congress.
Sen. Feinstein has just confirmed what we have all known for some time: the strikes on al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan have taken place with the approval of the Pakistani government, and the government's protests of these attacks are designed to placate Pakistani citizens.


big difference between "we know it's going on" and an official saying that it is.

she should, minimally, be removed from office. level charges against her if possible or appropriate based on an assessment of her intent.

the folks that outed valerie plame should be charged, too, based on revealing state secrets with malicious intent.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Sen Feinstein isn't the head of the CIA. She isn't chief of squat. She had no right, and an express responsibilty not, to open her mouth.

In a subsequent column, Novak reported that she was "an analyst, not in covert operations."

The Nation

Problem solved. Libby got railroaded.