Aunty Em.......Help ME! What I gotta do?

MizzFizzTheBizz said:
perhaps it would be better with alcohol

Is there anything that isn't? (ok, maybe driving and cooking). :drink:

If you spot any marbles labelled "bleach" I don't want the buggers back......give 'em to someone who might find 'em usufull :nuts:
bleach said:
Is there anything that isn't? (ok, maybe driving and cooking). :drink:

If you spot any marbles labelled "bleach" I don't want the buggers back......give 'em to someone who might find 'em usufull :nuts:

OK i'll give em to my cleaner. she'll appreciate em!
Aunty Em said:
No, no... that's the cheese... nobody touch the cheese it belongs to fury!

I was reading about your thread about food earlier and it got me thinking that you could actually go and buy a block of stilton and not have to wait for rotton food to happen. there is a plus of course... you'd have a ready supply of penicillin
Stilton is NOT rotten... it's an acquired taste. :p

You don't have to stay in the Lobby you know you can come out and post elsewhere... ;)
Aunty Em said:
Stilton is NOT rotten... it's an acquired taste. :p

You don't have to stay in the Lobby you know you can come out and post elsewhere... ;)

i tried to post something earlier but would not let me. i thought i had to get to 30 posts b4 i had free run :nerd:
Where was that?

The Bomb Shelter is private access, you have to contribute to the cost of the site to gain entrance. so is Creative Arts & Design...

I never noticed that bit about orgies in the Bombshelter before... ?(
Aunty Em said:
Where was that?

The Bomb Shelter is private access, you have to contribute to the cost of the site to gain entrance. so is Creative Arts & Design...

I never noticed that bit about orgies in the Bombshelter before... ?(

Bungi said:
You need 30 for the KoC forum...

Dont think i'll be playing it...all a bit over me head really. Aunty Em tried to explain it to me and yeah....hmm took it all in!!( Liar Liar Pants on fire)
Heh, it ain't that hard :p just remember to attack orc00 on a regular basis OK? :) Anyway I meant that's the only forum with a post count restriction so I don't know why you couldn't post...
Bungi said:
Heh, it ain't that hard :p just remember to attack orc00 on a regular basis OK? :) Anyway I meant that's the only forum with a post count restriction so I don't know why you couldn't post...

Maybe I thought I tried to post...oops there goes another marble!

I might just have a bash at KOC. Even if it is to help certain people. I don't get on with role play. i have a dabble in Risk occasionally but that is not role play is it?