Aunty into dangerous weapons...


New Member
Just bought a set of replica Samurai swords (doing a Japanese theme in my bedroom). Doing a Mural of "The Great Wave" on my wall. And when I was browsing I came across this site.

Japanese Fantasy Swords - Reviewed by: antie_em
Shooters supplies - Reviewed by: antie_em

I know Aunty does some martial arts but didn't know she was into weaponary as well :D
I bought a bokken(104 cm, red oak) for my Aikido training via internet 3-4 days ago, and my bedroom is jap-themed... Loving it. Simplicity is just great.

Edit: On the same site(swedish) you can also buy sharp steel daitos, six-foot sharp spears, heavy sabers etc... Crazy.
My Japanese grandfather has a set of katana swords in his living room that my brother and I would always try to play with as kids - but we weren't allowed to take them out of their sheaths.
I have a pair of WW2 japanese officer class A uniform swords. They emulate a delicate curved western blade except that the tips are katana blunt points.
unclehobart said:
I have a pair of WW2 japanese officer class A uniform swords. They emulate a delicate curved western blade except that the tips are katana blunt points.

You do? Where are they? I don't recall seeing them
And I have a gun. :p

Seriously, I've always wanted a broadsword. Never talked myself into spending the cash for a good one, and there is no point (pun not intended) in having a cheap one. I was in fencing club in college, foil and sabre, but I always wanted to figure out one of those long heavy suckers. I don't know how anyone else feels, but I've always thought that if you're going to keep a weapon you should be reasonably proficient with it. You might need to use it some day.
chcr said:
I've always thought that if you're going to keep a weapon you should be reasonably proficient with it. You might need to use it some day.

*nods* that's why I bought a basball bat :)

I've got some replica swords and wotnot.......a cavalry sabre, coupla fencing foils, a kukri and two WWII bayonets...all part of the shite I end up buying at car boot sales :D
Currently have 5 swords, a couple of polearms and more knives than I can count. Saving up for the 12 bore...
Gotnolegs said:
Currently have 5 swords, a couple of polearms and more knives than I can count. Saving up for the 12 bore...

Why the arsenal, mate? Planning on invading France? :grinyes:
Gato_Solo said:
Why the arsenal, mate? Planning on invading France? :grinyes:

Nah, I've been doing various martial arts since I was a kid and ran my own club for a while. Mainly do weapons work. Just seemed to start collecting them. Every house should have at least one proper sword.

Nice idea about France though, I do have a longbow kicking around too...
Gotnolegs said:
Nah, I've been doing various martial arts since I was a kid and ran my own club for a while. Mainly do weapons work. Just seemed to start collecting them. Every house should have at least one proper sword.

Nice idea about France though, I do have a longbow kicking around too...

And I thought I was going overboard with a full daito and a pair of sai...
nalani said:
You do? Where are they? I don't recall seeing them
They were in the master closet tucked up high on a shelf. I rarely take them out. I've had them since I was 18 and forget that I have them half the time. They are fairly common and quite unremarkable specimens insofar as collectibles go. It is rather nice to look at a katana-esque wave pattern upon a generally western saber design; serious culture clash.
I have a 15 inch penis.....given to me by my mother and father 9 months before I was born.

Works pretty well if I need to practice heavy lifting with a dangerous weapon.
Hehe... did I never tell you that I trained with weapons as well? Serously though whoever that is it isn't me but I love the site... /me goes back for a browse.

I gave my boken to my brother which i now regret, but i still have my nunchukus, tonfa, tanto and jo. My shaken, shiriken and knives also left. ;)